June 2020

🌟 HUMANISM EXPLORATIONS🌟 is part of the Center For Inquiry , CFI Rogue Valley Humanists and Freethinkers and RVUUF.

Location: Rogue Valley Unitarian Universalist Fellowship (under the balcony) *

87 Fourth Street, Ashland, Oregon

Meetings are on the first and third Sundays of the month, 3 to 5 p.m.

💡*NOTE: For the foreseeable future, due to pandemic precautions, our meetings will be held via Zoom or Google Meet free online video conferencing applications. If you would like to receive an invitation link please use our contact form here.

Humanism Explorations Announcements for:

Sunday June 21, 2020 3 to 5 P.M.

Black Humanists and Their Contributions

Most Americans including most African Americans and Secular Humanists are unaware of the many contributions black Humanists have made to the Civil Rights, Freethought, Women's Liberation and Peace Movements worldwide. We will examine and discuss some of these contributions via Zoom.


Black Humanists Put Faith in Secular Life - NPR Text and Audio (6 min)

The Theological Beliefs of Martin Luther King Jr. - James Attebury, Christian Theology and Apologetics

Black Atheist | Who Created God? | SPEAKERS CORNER - (15 min)

Sunday June 7, 2020 3 to 5 P.M.

An Inside Look at the Jehovah Witnesses

We will have a presentation by Jon, a recently de-converted member of the Jehovah Witnesses, who will give an overview of the faith and how it impacted him personally.

“The Jehovah’s Witnesses are a Christian denomination founded in the 1870s and known worldwide for knocking on doors and preaching about the Kingdom of God. Today, they boast 8 and a half million members, 1.2 million of which live in the US. But what do they believe, and what is life like for the average member? What might groups like the Witnesses and their ideologies teach us about ourselves?”


What Cults Tell Us About Ourselves - Amber Scorah Scorah | TEDx (15 min)