Our Supporters!

Our Hudson Chapter is a self-supporting, 501(c)3, non-profit organization run entirely by volunteers. Our costs are entirely

under-written by donations and contributions from the community. The cost per athlete ranges from approximately $200 to $500 per year for year-round participation and include uniforms, sports equipment, registration fees, facility rentals, etc.

All donations can be made in the form of a check to Hudson Special Olympics and sent to

Hudson Special Olympics, PO BOX 1141, Hudson, OH 44236. 100% of the monies collected benefit the athletes in Hudson.

Our athletes are proud to belong to a team from their very own community. And we are grateful for the tremendous

support these organizations, families and individuals have given to Hudson Special Olympics.

Special acknowledgement is given to the following organizations who always provide us with excellent service and support:

Ellsworth Meadows Golf Club, Hudson, OH

Hudson City School District, Hudson, OH

Legend Lanes, Cuyahoga Falls, OH

NC Soccer, Hudson, OH

Sto-Kent Family Entertainment Center, Stow, OH

We also want to remember our athletes who have passed away. They were indeed special and will always be remembered.

Memorial contributions have been made by families and friends in the names of the following athletes:

Barbara Bell, Richard Prentice, Michael Prevosnik, and Andrew Whiteman.

We are grateful to the following for gifts received in 2018:

Farinacci Pizza, Hudson, OH

Friends and Families - Individual Donations

Hudson Baseball Association, Hudson, OH

Hudson Hawks Football, Hudson, OH

Hudson League for Service, Hudson, OH


Laurel Lake Retirement Community, Hudson, OH

Merchant Services Visa Give-back Program - Mattress Showcase, Inc. (Platt family)

Rejoice Lutheran Church, Hudson, OH

Seniors and Youth: Partners in Philanthropy, A partnership of Seton Catholic School and Laurel Lake Retirement

Community with monies donated by the Burton D. Morgan Foundation, Hudson, OH

The Doug Dieken Foundation

United Way of Summit County - designated donations, Summit County, OH

We are grateful to the following for gifts received in 2017:

East Woods Elementary School, Grade 5, Lemon-aide Day Fundraiser, Hudson, OH

Fluid Edge (Harold Horton)

Friends and Families - Individual Donations

Gloria Dei Lutheran Church, Hudson, OH

Hudson Community Foundation, Hudson, OH

Hudson Hawks Football, Hudson, OH

Hudson League for Service, Hudson, OH

Hudson United Methodist Church, Vacation Bible School, Hudson, OH

Merchant Services Visa Give-back Program - Mattress Showcase, Inc. (Platt family)

Rejoice Lutheran Church, Hudson, OH

Seniors and Youth: Partners in Philanthropy, A partnership of Seton Catholic School and Laurel Lake Retirement

Community with monies donated by the Burton D. Morgan Foundation, Hudson, OH

United Way of Summit County - designated donations, Summit County, OH

We are grateful to the following for gifts received in 2015 and 2016:

East Woods Elementary School, Grades 4 and 5, Stuffed Animal Sale for Autism Awareness Month, Hudson, OH

East Woods Elementary School, Grade 5, Lemon-aide Day Fundraiser, Hudson, OH

Friends and Families - Individual Donations

Hudson Hawks Football, Hudson, OH

Hudson League for Service, Hudson, OH

Merchant Services Visa Give-back Program - Mattress Showcase, Inc. (Platt family)

Parker Hannifin (Russ Strobach family)

Rejoice Lutheran Church, Hudson, OH

Seniors and Youth: Partners in Philanthropy, A partnership of Seton Catholic School and Laurel Lake Retirement

Community with monies donated by the Burton D. Morgan Foundation, Hudson, OH

The Rotary Club of Hudson, Hudson, OH

United Way of Summit County - designated donations, Summit County, OH

We are grateful to the following for gifts received in 2014:

The Ackerman Family

Paul and Kristen Catania

Daniel Fleig, in honor of Brian Wichert

The Frego Family

The Hinson Family, in memory of Marie D'Amicone

Hudson Hawks Football

The Knoblauch Family

Tom and Kathy Koch, in memory of Marie D'Amicone

Marcia Luce

Anna Maria Nemcheck, in memory of Marie D'Amicone

The Parker Hannifin Foundation

The Platt Family

Rejoice Lutheran Church

SAYPIP - Seniors and Youth Partners in Philanthropy, Seton Catholic School and Laurel Lake

Special thanks to Paticia Fritz for coordinating

Mrs. Lynette Sheppard, in honor of the Platt Family

Mr. Garnett Shockey in honor of Nate Shockey

The Strobach Family

Nancy and Ben Surblis, in Memory of Marie D'Amicone

Mr. and Mrs. John Velotta, in memory of Richard Prentice

We are grateful to the following for gifts received in 2013:

The Ackerman Family

ArcelerMittal Matching gifts, courtesy of the Embree Family

Ms. Judy Brenneman, in memory of Richard Prentice

BP Fabric of America Fund, courtesy of Uppercue Family

The Embree Family, in memory of Maria Cleaver

The Fernando Family

First Merchant Services, courtesy of the Platt Family

Mr. Daniel Fleig, in honor of Brian Wichert

Janet and Jake Frego and Family

Ms. Anna Hawley, in memory of Richard Prentice

Hudson Hawks Football

Hudson League for Service

Hudson Rotary Foundation

Lubrizol Foundation, courtesy of the Lattimer Family

The Iler Family

The Lewis Family

Parker Hannifin, courtesy of the Strobach Family

Rejoice Lutheran Church

Ms. Kim Robinson, in memory of Richard Prentice

Seton Catholic School/Laurel Lake, Parners in Philanthopy

The Shedloski Family

Clyde and Lynette Sheppard, in honor of Sarah Platt

Mr. Garnett Shockey, in honor of Nate:)

Ms. Andrea Testa, in memory of her brother, Richard Prentice

Ms. Christine Zuckett, in memory of Richard Prentice

United Way of Delaware, Courtesy of the Frego family

We are grateful for the following for gifts received in 2012:

The Ackerman Family

The other Ackerman Family - Becky and Mike

Carol and Ron Bunk

Erica and Brent Charriere

The Embree Family

Scott and Jennifer Fisher

The Giannetti Family

Daniel M. Fleig, in honor of Brian Wichert

Mrs. Gayle Gibb

Gloria Dei Lutheran Church

Phil and Beth Goldstein

The Hudson Hawks, for their continuing support and for a wonderful experience

Hudson League for Service

Laura and Steve Jones

The Lattimer Family

Mr. Bob Manning

The Maurer Family

Greg and Kathleeen Naples, in honor of David Spurlock

Kelly and Mike Norville

The Platt Family

Chris and Ashley Prado

The Rotary Club of Hudson, and Mr. James McKay

Robert and Susan Reinschreiber, in honor of David Spurlock

Beth Dery and Steve Schecter

Mrs. Lynette Shepard, in honor of the Platt Family

Shaun and George Sledge

Mr. Garnett Shockey, in honor of Nate

Lori and Gil Van Bokkelen Family

Mrs. Bertha Vint, in honor of David Rabinowitz and in memory of Twila Mercer

Tempe and Alan Zucker

Our Heartfelt gratitude to the following in 2011:

To the Parker Hannifin Company, which was granted after a request from the Strobach Family, for their generous

donation and continued support.

To Mike and Debbie Ackerman, for their generous donation.

To many anonymous family donors, for their continued support.

To The Hudson Hawks for their awesome contributions.

To the Hudson League for Service for their continual support and contributions.

To Mrs. Bertha Vint for her ongoing support.

To the Sheppard family honor of the Platt family.

To Mrs. Garnett Shockey in honor of the Shockey's and Nate!

To the Sultana's of Garfield Heights in honor of Joe Korane.

To the Seniors and You: Partners in Philanthropy, a partership of Seton Catholic School and Laurel Lake foundation with

monies donated by the Morgan Foundation.

Our heartfelt gratitude to the following in 2010:

To the Hudson Economic Development Corporation for their generous donation from their Hudson 100 fund!

To the Hudson Hawks for their generous donation and their ongoing support!

Thanks for another job well done and an invaluable opportunity for our athletes.

To Jo Ann's Stores, Inc. for the generous use of their facilities.

Thanks to US Bank, Allstate Insurance, The American Legion, The Hudson HS Girls Softball Team and our friends at

Laurel Lake and to Kelsey Tetmeyer and all the volunteers who made this years golf tournament a great event!

To the Hudson League for Service for their generous contribution.

To Mrs. Bertha Vint for her donation in honor of Gypsy Youngman's 100th Birthday!

To the American Legion for their generous donation and continued support.

To Lila Delollis, a friend of the Korane family for her generous donation.

Anonymous, for their generous donation and contributions.

To the Ackerman Family, for their continued support and donation.

To the Parker Corporation, for their continued support and donation, thanks to the Strobach Family.

To yet another anonymous donor, for their donation and support.

Our heartfelt gratitude to the following in 2009...

To the Hudson Hawks Youth Football Organization for their generous donation and the opportunity for all of us to come

together as a community to support our athletes.

To our first corporate sponsor for 2009, Parker Hannifin, which was granted after a request from the Strobach Family;

To the Giannetti, Ackerman, Korane and Norville Families, for their generous donations to our organization;

To Mr. Dennis Brooks, Dr. Bob Flora, and Russ Strobach for their contribution from 80's night;

To Susan and Dennis Merrow and Deborah and Mark Merrow, for their donations in memory of Mr. James Brake.

To the Norbert Joel Moran trust in honor of Joe Korane.

To the Hudson United Methodist Church Vacation Bible Camp Mission project for their donation and support!

To the Sultanas of Garfield Heights for their generous donation.

To Giant Eagle (Stow) for their contribution to our golf tournament.

To the American Legion for their donation and their cooking skills!

To the Shedloski Family of Hudson for their generous donation.

To Heinen's in Hudson for their contribution to the golf tournament.

To The Tai Caravan 125, order of the Alhambra, for their generous donation.

To Labelmatch, a Hudson company, for their generous donation.