
Upcoming Events

Join us for HTe’s annual Family Campout! This year’s campout will be the weekend of May 2nd - 5th at William Heise County Park, which is just outside of Julian (May 3rd is our annual Snow Day and there is no school). We sincerely hope you can join us, whether this will be your first trip with us, or if you are one of the founding families! These family campouts are such fun, and a great experience for kids and adults alike... precious time to connect with each other and with nature!

NOTE: Each family will be responsible for making their own reservation at the park (first come/first served). This will allow for people to choose their sites, and more easily share with people they know from HTe! Each family is responsible for their children's safety, well-being, and behavior at all times.

You are welcome to camp 1, 2, or all 3 nights. The fees for the whole weekend total up to $77 (which could be cut in half if you share with another family). NOTE: there is a maximum of 8 people, two tents allowed per site, and 1 car ($4 per night for extra vehicle).

Please make your reservations here as soon as possible, as we predict that sites will fill up quickly.

Preview campsite photos to see specific sites that you can also find on the campground map.

 If you decide to share your site with another family, please respectfully remember that this is an event for High Tech Elementary families. NOTE: that no pets are allowed any HTe Outdoor Family events, so please make any necessary arrangements ahead of time.

Some of the things we look forward to:

• Group hikes

• Friday evening campfire and s’mores

• Saturday evening potluck

• A good time with fellow HTe families and maybe some staff too!

Past Events