Reading Programs

1000 Books Before Kindergarten (Anytime)

Do you have a child under the age of 5? Sign them up for this program and every time your child reads 100 books, they get a prize. The goal is to read to your child everyday and develop a love for reading before they start kindergarten. If you read just 1 book a day for 3 years, your child will have read just 1095 books!

Summer Reading Program 2023

Summer Reading Program is June 1-July 31, 2022! This year's theme is Find Your Voice. We use our voices to share stories, express ourselves, and spark change. HPL offers this challenge for babies, children, teens, and adults. There is something fun for the whole family to participate this summer and win prizes! 

List of Programs

Winter Reading Program 2024 

Coming soon!

Helpful Tips For Raising A Reader

1.  Begin reading to your child at birth. You might think they don’t understand what you are saying, but research shows that little brains are very absorbent of information.

2.  Do not stop reading to them when they begin to read on their own. Reading to your children helps them learn new vocabulary, among other things.

3.  Make reading at home special. Carve out specific reading times, during which the television is off, everyone is together, and you enjoy the time being spent with one another. 

4.  Read when you wait. Read books, magazines, newspapers, ANYTHING while you are waiting at the doctor’s office. Read the menu while you wait at a restaurant. This reinforces the importance of reading.

5.  Set an example. Let your child see you read. If they see you reading, then they are more likely to pick up a book and read it.

6.  Have various types of reading material available. Include fiction, nonfiction, magazines, newspapers, and digital reading material.

7.  Visit the library regularly. We have free books! What better way to raise a reader than to immerse them in a pro-reading environment.

8.  Give books as gifts. Children outgrow clothes, toys, and electronics so quickly. However, a book can be enjoyed for many years.

9.  Read EVERY day. Even if you are only reading for 10 minutes a day, you are showing your child that reading is important enough to make time for.

10.  Be consistent. Consistency is key in forming any habit. Practice makes perfect, right? Keep on reading, and soon enough, you will have yourself a reader!

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