For 2Ls

Summer/Fall Semester


  1. Public Interest Mock Interviews with the Office of Career Services (OCS)

  2. The Equal Justice Works Career Fair

    • More information to come!

  3. HUSL Public Sector Interviewing Program (PSIP)

    • More information to come!


  1. Update Your Resume

    • Add your 1L summer position(s)

    • Add your co-curricular (moot court, journal, etc.)

    • Add any fall clinic, internship, or externship

    • Add future positions: Once you have ACCEPTED a job or position, you should add it to your resume!

REMEMBER: You still MUST adhere to the single page format. To do this you may omit:

  • Skills & Interests section

  • Community Service Section

  • Undergraduate activities

  1. Check Your Voicemail

    • Prospective employers will call you. You need to have a professional voicemail message on your phone. You need to check your voicemail regularly. Every year, HUSL students miss call-back offers.

  2. Clean Up Your Professional and Social Profiles

    • Google yourself. Put professional photos on your LinkedIn page. Remove anything from your social media accounts that calls into question your sense of judgment.


  1. Symplicity

  2. PSJD

  3. For more Resources, click here.


  1. Determine your goals

    • What practice areas are you interested in?

    • Did you like your 1L summer position? If not, what would you change?

    • What do you want to gain from your summer experience? What didn't you gain from your 1L summer experience? (i.e., improvement of writing skills/a writing sample, direct client engagement, ability to see court proceedings, etc.)

    • Do you have any geographical preferences/constraints?

      • Keep in mind, it is always the possibility that you could be offered a post-graduate position from your 2L summer employer.

    • Should you prioritize paid positions?

  2. Create a spreadsheet of positions you plan to apply.

    • Include important information: due dates, required application materials, geographic location, salary (if applicable), point of contract, etc.

    • Read the description of each position and make sure the tasks and objectives match your goals (don't be afraid to pick some positions that are not exactly what you thought you wanted to do)

  3. Prepare application materials.

    • Start your Application Materials early and have each document reviewed by peers, law faculty, mentors, etc.

  4. Practice interview skills.

    • After applying and securing interviews, reach out to your peers, law faculty, mentors, etc. for practice interviews

    • Prepare your "elevator pitch" (a short introduction of yourself and your skills that last approximately)

Spring Semester


  1. The DC/Baltimore Public Service Recruitment Fair

  • More information to come!

Secured an unpaid position? Look at your Summer Funding options!



  • Make a good first impression. Strive to show up early, especially on the first day. Punctuality matters. Wear professional dress.

  • Try to develop a good work-related writing sample over the summer. You should discuss this with your supervisor, and have something in the works by the end of June.

  • Be prepared. It’s a good idea to bring your Bluebook and laptop with you so that you have access to resources that you may need to complete your assignments. Know your LexisNexis and Westlaw Log-in information. Additionally, always carry a pen and notepad with you so that you are ready to jot down notes at any time. This is typically better than using your phone.

  • When given an assignment, make sure to confirm your understanding of the project and the deadline at the end of the meeting or in an email summary. Promptly communicate with the assigning attorney if you think the timeframe is insufficient to produce the work requested.

  • Summer internships are about building skills sets and networks. Try to develop a good rapport with your supervisors and coworkers.

  • Most importantly, produce good work! Remember you are building your professional reputation as a legal professional. This employer may be in a position to offer you a full-time position after graduation.


Throughout the summer, you should begin looking for post-graduate positions. Many organizations being accepting applications and interviewing applicants in the summer. Use Job Search Resources to find fellowships, clerkships, permanent positions.