Invited Talk



生体膜と薬物の相互作用シンポジウム, 徳島大学蔵本キャンパス, 2024年10月10日



第35回日本緑内障学会, アクリエ姫路, 2024年9月20~22日


「グリアデコード・臨界期生物学・適応回路センサス」合同オンラインシンポジウム, Web開催, 2024年1月19日



アクリエひめじ, 兵庫, 2024年9月20-22日



第97回日本薬理学会年会シンポジウム 「新しい視点と技術で切り開くグリア細胞研究:若手研究者の挑戦」(1-B-S21)

神戸国際会議場, 兵庫, 2023年12月14-16日


第34回日本緑内障学会 シンポジウム1「次世代の病態解明と治療を目指して」

虎ノ門ヒルズフォーラム/東京慈恵会医科大学, 東京, 2023年9月8-9月10日

"グリア機能異常による緑内障発症” 第1回神経化学若手KYOEN, 御茶ノ水ソラシティカンファレンスセンター(RoomA), 2023年6月24日

"Glial dysfunction and glaucoma (グリアの機能異常と緑内障発症機構)"

第一回 Ocular Scientific Meeting, 慶応義塾大学芝キャンパス 薬学部 1102会議室, 2023年3月2日


"Astrocyte Dysfunction induced by ABCA1 Deficiency Causes Normal Tension Glaucoma-like Phenotypes in Mice" 

SLDDDRS Webinar Series, Webinar Series with University Hospital Clinical Trial Alliance 1st Webinar: Synapse Function and Dysfunction (Plenary lecture by Prof. Thomas Sudhof/THe Nobel Prize in Physiology Medicine 2013)



"Glial cells and RGC degeneration in pathogenesis of glaucoma" (given by Prof Koizumi)

The 31st Annual Meeting of the Japanese Glaucoma Society, Symposium 5 

(Mechanisms for death of retinal ganglion cells insight from basic research) 



"Dysfunction in retinal glia causes pathogenesis of glaucoma"

Semiar at Centre de researchrche du CHU de Quebec

Quebec, Canada, March 19, 2019


細胞外ヌクレオチド/P2受容体の多様な機能 Roles of extracellular nucleotides/P2 receptors in the CNS 

IGER Seminar, ニューロサイエンス研究センター・創薬科学研究科・環境医学研究所Joint Seminar, 名古屋大学, 12月1日


"Glial roles in brain injury/pathology"

Summer Seminar of Biosensor groups in Toyohashi University of Technology

Sepembar 5, Atami, Shizuoka, Japan


"Structural dynamics reconstituted in artificial lipid bilayer observed with fast-scanning atomic force microscopy"

The 34th Annual meeting of Japanese Surface Science Society, Division of Soft-Nanotechnology

November 6-8, Shimane, Japan


"Analysis of ion channel dynamics using fast-scanning atomic force microscopy"

The 11th Annual meeting of the Protein Science Society of Japan  

June 6-9, 2011, Osaka, Japan


“AFM imaging of single membrane receptor protein.”

Satellite workshop, the 13th international conference on non-contact atomic force microscopy, Ishikawa, Japan


“Direct visualization of dynamics in bio-molecules using atomic force microscopy.”

The 30th annual meeting of the surface science society of Japan, Osaka, Japan


“Direct visualization of lipid membrane and membrane-spanning proteins using atomic force microscopy.”

Molecular Electronics and Bioelectronics 2010, Tokyo, Japan


“Dynamic structural changes in receptor proteins analyzed with atomic force microscopy.”

The 10th annual meeting of protein science society of Japan, Hokkaido, Japan

“Single molecule pharmacological analysis of P2 receptors using atomic force microscopy.”

Kyushu University symposium on “Bleeding edge of pharmacological studies toward challenging drug development”,  Fukuoka, Japan



“Single molecule imaging of membrane proteins using atomic force microscopy.”

Institute for Protein Research seminor (in Osaka Univ.), “analysis of reactions on cell membranes ~ for understanding membrane protein functions ~”, Osaka, Japan


“Stress-responding ATP receptors expressed in glial cells.”

The 13th Japanese symposium on monitoring molecule in neuroscience, Aichi, Japan



“Magnesium effect on rat brain neural development in vitro.”

European Magnesium Meeting 2008, Paris, French


“Receptor based nano-bio research: application to medical bionics.”

Sir Mark Oliphant International Frontiers of Science and Technology Conference Series, Inaugural Conference on Medical Bionics, Lome, Australia