International Conference



[60] Shinozaki Y, Leung A, Namekata K, Ohno N, Shigetomi E, Kashiwagi K, Harada T, Ohnuma SI, Koizumi S. Astrocytes dysfunction induced by ABCA1 deficiency causes normal-tension glaucoma-like phenotype in mouse. Cold Spring Harbor Asia Meeting "Novel Insights into Glia Function & Dysfunction", Awaji, Japan, April 24-28, 2023.

[59] Kubota Y, Shigetomi E, Saito K, Shinozaki Y, Kobayashi K, Tanaka KF, Ohno N, Koizumi S. Mechanisms underlying mutant astrocyte-mediated white matter degeneration in Alexander disease. Cold Spring Harbor Asia Meeting "Novel Insights into Glia Function & Dysfunction", Awaji, Japan, April 24-28, 2023.


[58]Hamada K, Shinozaki Y, Namekata K, Ohno N, Segawa T, Harada T, Kashiwagi K, Koizumi S

Deficiency of P2Y1 receptor induces hypertensive glaucoma-like phenotypes in mice.

9th World Glaucoma Congress, June 30- July 3, 2021, Virtual Forum

[57] Shinozaki Y, Namekata K, Kashiwagi K, Ohno N, Segawa T, Shigetomi E, Harada T, Koizumi S

Lack of ABCA1 in astrocytes causes normal tension-glaucoma-like phenotypes in mice.

9th World Glaucoma Congress, June 30- July 3, 2021, Virtual Forum

[56] Shinozaki Y, Namekata K, Kashiwagi K, Ohno N, Harada T, Koizumi S

Loss of ABCA1 in astrocytes causes normal tension-glaucoma-like optic neuropathy.

ARVO 2021, May 1-7, 2021, Virtual Forum


[55] Y.Shinozaki, K. Namekata, K. Kashiwagi, T. Segawa, N. Ohno, T. Segawa, T. Harada, K. Kashiwagi, S. Koizumi

Loss of astrocytic ABCA1 induces normal tension glaucoma

FENS 2020, July 11-15, 2020, Virtual Forum


[54] Y.Shinozaki, K. Namekata, K. Kashiwagi, N. Ohno, T. Segawa, T. Harada, S. Koizumi

Deletion of glial ABCA1 causes glaucoma-like optic neuropathy

ISN-ASN 2019, August 4-8, 2019, Montreal, Canada

[53] H. Hoi, T. Horio, E. Shigetomi, Y.Shinozaki, Y. N. Lee, T. Yoshimi, T. Iwata, T. Noda, K. Takahashi, T. Hattori, S. Koizumi, K, Sawada

Label-free real-time imaging of extracellular lactate from a hippocampal slice based on charge-transfer-type potentiometric redox sensor arrays.

Transducers 2019, June 23-27, 2019, Berlin, Germany

[52] Y. Ogaeri, C. Kawakami, T. Hizawa, E. Shigetomi, Y.Shinozaki, T. Noda, T. Iwata, K. Takahashi, S. Koizumi, K, Sawada

Hydrogen ion image sensor with barrel-array diffusion suppressor and hippocampal slice imaging.

Transducers 2019, June 23-27, 2019, Berlin, Germany

[51] C. Kawakami, Y. Kee, H, Doi, T. Horio, Y. Kimura, E. Shigetomi, Y.Shinozaki, T. Noda, T. Iwata, K. Takahashi, S. Koizumi, K, Sawada

Hydrogen ion microscope using 2 um pitch pH image sensor and application for mouse hippocampal slice.

Transducers 2019, June 23-27, 2019, Berlin, Germany

[50] Y.Shinozaki, K. Kashiwagi, K. Namekata, N. Ohno, A. Takeda, T. Harada, S. Koizumi

Loss-of-function of glial ABCA1 increases the risk for pathogenesis of glaucoma

9th FAOPS, March 28-31, 2019, Kobe, Hyogo, JAPAN


[49] Y.Shinozaki, K. Kashiwagi, K. Namekata, N. Ohno, A. Takeda, T. Harada, S. Koizumi

Dysfunction of ABCA1 in optic astrocytes causes pathogenesis of glaucoma

Cold Spring Harbor Asia - Novel Insight into Glial Function and Dysfunction, Dec 3-7, 2018, Suzhou, China

[48] Y.Shinozaki, K. Kashiwagi, K. Namekata, N. Ohno, A. Takeda, T. Harada, T. Iwata, S. Koizumi

Dysregulated P2Y6 receptor signaling increases a risk for pathogenesis of glaucoma

Purines2018, June19-22, Foz Do Iguacu, Brazil

[47] Y.Shinozaki, K. Kashiwagi, K. Namekata, N. Ohno, A. Takeda, T. Harada, T. Iwata, S. Koizumi

Disordered P2Y6 receptor signaling causes age-dependent pathogenesis ofglaucoma

WCP2018, July 1-6, 2018, Kyoto International Conference Center, Kyoto, Japan

[46] A. Takeda, Y.Shinozaki, K. Kashiwagi, N. Ohno, K. Eto, H. Wake, J. Nabekura, S. Koizumi

Retinal microglia mediate non-cell-autonomous RGC degeneration in glaucoma model

The 1st International Symposium for Frontend Brain Science of the University of Yamanashi, Feb 21-22, 2018, Tokyo, Japan

[45] Y.Shinozaki, K. Kashiwagi, K. Namekata, N. Ohno, A. Takeda, T. Harada, T. Iwata, S. Koizumi

Disordered P2 receptor signaling causes ocular hypertension and glaucoma-like phenotypes

The 1st International Symposium for Frontend Brain Science of the University of Yamanashi, Feb 21-22, 2018, Tokyo, Japan


[44] Y.J. Choi, Y. Shinozaki et al.

Cell analysis system using a filter-free fluorescence sensor

Transducers 2017, June 18-22, Kaousiung, Taiwan

[43] Y.Shinozaki, K.Kashiwagi, A.Takeda, N.Ohno and S.Koizumi

Dysregulation in purinergic signaling causes hypertensive glaucoma-like optic neuropathy

ARVO2017, May 7-11, Baltimore, USA

*Travel Grant for ARVO2017 from The Ichiro Kanehara Foundation for the Promotion of Medical Science & Medical Care


[42] Y. Shinozaki, KF. Tanaka, K. Ikenaka and S. Koizumi

Microglia induce neuroprotective astrocytes via P2Y1 receptor down-regulation

Euroglia2015, July 15-18, Bilbao, Spain

[41] M. Sakai, K. Uchiyama, H. Hori, K. Kobayashi, Y. Shinozaki, K. Shibata, E. Shigetomi and S. Koizumi

Nano-imaging of glia-synapse fine structures responsible for neural functions

APNFO2015, July 7-10, 2015, Hakodate, Japan

[40] M. Sakai, Y. Shinozaki, K. Shibata, E. Shigetomi, S. Koizumi, K. Uchiyama, H. Hori and K. Kobayashi

Nano-imaging for glia-synapse fine structures with a homemade near-field optical microscope

Optics in the Life Sciences, April 12-15, 2015, Vancouver, Canada


[39] Y.Shinozaki, M. Nomura, K. Iwatsuki, Y. Moriyama, C. Gachet and S. Koizumi

Microglia trigger astrocyte-mediated neuroprotection via purinergic gliotransmission

FENS2014, July 5-9, 2014, Milano, Italy


[38]Y. Shinozaki and S. Koziumi

Purinergic signaling-regulated glial scar foramtion

XI European Meeting on Glial Cells in Health and Diseases (GLIA2013), July 2 - 6, 2013. Berlin, Germany


[37]Y. Shinozaki, Y. Imura, Y. Morizawa, Y. Hirayama, R. Komatsu, K. Shibata, K. Fujishita, E. Shigetomi and S. Koziumi

P2Y1 receptor negatively regulates astrocytic migration and scar-like structure formation (Oral presentation in Young Investigator Colloquia)

55th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Neurochemistry/ 11th Bennial meeting of Asian Pacific Society for

Neurochemistry, Sepember 29 - October 2, 2012. Hyogo, Japan

[36] Yoshio Imura, Youichi Shinozaki, Ryohei Komatsu, Yosuke Morizawa, Yuri Hirayama, Keisuke Shibata, Yoshinori Moriyama,

Schuichi Koizumi

Microglia Release ATP by a Mechanism of Exocytosis (Poster presentation)

Purine 2012, May 31 ? July 2, 2012, Fukuoka, Japan

[35] Youichi Shinozaki, Yoshio Imura, Yosuke Morizawa, Yuri Hirayama, Ryohei Komatsu, Keisuke Shibata, Kayoko Fujishita and Schuichi Koizumi

Dept. Neuropharmacol., Interdisciplinary Grad. Sch. Med. and Engineering, Univ. Yamanashi, JAPAN

P2Y1 receptor blockade enhances astrocytic motility and glial scar formation (Oral presentation)

Purine 2012, May 31 ? July 2, 2012, Fukuoka, Japan


[34] Keisuke Shibata, Takeshi Sugawara, Kayoko Fujishita, Youichi Shinozaki, Takashi Matsukawa, Tsutomu Suzuki and Schuichi Koizumi

The astrocyte-targeted therapy by Bushi for the neuropathic pain in mice (Poster presentation)

SfN2011, Washington D.C. , USA, November 12-16, 2011

[33]Youichi Shinozaki, Koji Sumitomo, Makoto Tsuda, Schuichi Koizumi, Kazuhide

Inoue, and Keiichi Torimitsu

Direct visualization of single receptor structure/dynamics with fast-scanning atomic force microscopy (Poster presentation)

The 23rd Bennial Meeting of International Society for Neurochemistry (ISN2011), Athens, Greece. August-1 September, 2011

[32] Koji Sumitomo, Arianna McAllister, Yukihiro Tamba, Youichi Shinozaki, Keiichi Torimitsu

Analysis of ion channel activities in the lipid bilayer suspended over microwells on the Si substrate

Biophysical Society 55th Annual Meeting, Baltimore, Maryland, March 5-9, 2011


[31] Youichi Shinozaki, Koji Sumitomo, Makoto Tsuda, Schuichi Koizumi, Kazuhide Inoue, Keiichi Torimistsu

Direct imaging of P2X4 receptors with fast-scanning atomic force microscopy

The 16th Takeda Science Symposium on Bioscience, Dec. 1-2, 2010, Tokyo, Japan

[30] Aya Tanaka, Youichi Shinozaki, Koji Sumitomo, Keiichi Torimistu

Visualization of domain dynamics in lipid raft model membranes by high-speed atomic force microscopy

ICSPM18, Dec. 9-11, 2010, Shizuoka, Japan

[29] Youichi Shinozaki, Koji Sumitomo, Keiichi Torimitsu

Ligand-induced conformational changes in N-terminal domain of N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor observed with atomic force microscopy

NC-AFM2010, 4th Aug. 2010. Ishikawa, Japan



[28] Koji Sumitomo, Yukihiro Tamba, Youichi Shinozaki, Keiichi Torimitsu

Formation of liquid ordered domain on Si substrate using giant unilamellar vesicles

ICSPM17, Dec. 10-12, Shizuoka, Japan

[27] Youichi Shinozaki, Koji Sumitomo, Kazuaki Furukawa, Hidetoshi Miyashita, Yukihiro Tamba, Nahoko Kasai, Hiroshi Nakashima, Keiichi Torimitsu

AFM observation of membrane proteins suspended over nanoscale well

ICSPM17, Dec. 10-12, Shizuoka, Japan

[26] Youichi Shinozaki, Koji Sumitomo, Makoto Tsuda, Schuichi Koizumi, Kazuhide Inoue, and Keiichi Torimitsu

Direct visualization of single receptor dynamics: the relationship between molecular structure and physiology/pathology

ISNM2009-2, Nov. 4-6, 2009, Aichi, Japan (I won the best poster award!)

[25] N. Kasai, T. Balois, C. S. Ramanujan, Y. Shinozaki, K. Sumitomo, J. F. Ryan, K. Torimitsu

Examination of reconstitution orientation of AMPA receptors in artificial lipid bilayer

Neuroscience 2009, Oct. 17-21, 2009, Chicago, USA

[24] J. Baranovic, C. S. Ramanujan, N. Kasai, Y. Shinozaki, K. Torimitsu, J.F. Ryan

AMPA receptors in laterally heterogeneous lipid bilayers (poster)

Neuroscience 2009, Oct. 17-21, 2009, Chicago, USA

[23] Y. Shinozaki, K. Sumitomo, M. Tsuda, S. Koizumi, K. Inoue, and K. Torimitsu

Localization of P2X4 receptors in lipid raft-like structure of in vitro model of cell membrane

Fukuoka Purine 2009, 7/23-7/25, Fukuoka, Japan (I won the best poster award!)

[22] Y. Shinozaki, K. Sumitomo, M. Tsuda, S. Koizumi, K. Inoue, and K. Torimitsu

Dynamic structural changes in single P2X4 receptors observed with fast-scanning atomic force microscopy

IUPS2009, 7/27-8/1, Kyoto, Japan (poster)

[21] Nahoko Kasai, Chandra Ramanujan, Jelena Baranovic, Youichi Shinozaki, Akiyoshi Shimada, Koji Sumitomo, John F. Ryan, and Keiichi Torimitsu

Structural observation of a single, reconstituted ionotropic glutamate receptor

IUPS2009, 7/27-8/1, Kyoto, Japan (poster)

[20] Hiroshi Nakashima, Kazuaki Furukawa, Youichi Shinozaki, Koji Sumitomo, and Keiichi Torimitsu

Molecular-scale detection of antigen-antibody reaction on 2D arrayed gold nanorods

13th IACIS international conference on surface and colloid science and the 83rd ACS colloid & surface science symposium, June 14-19, 2009, NY, USA


[19] N. Kasai, C. Rmanujan, Y. Shinozaki, A. Shimada, K. Sumitomo, J. F. Ryan, K. Torimitsu

Structural change of an ionotropic glutamate receptor reconstituted into lipid bilayer

Neuroscience 2008, Society for Neuroscience, Nov. 15-19, 2008, Washington DC, USA

[18] Koji Sumitomo, Youichi Shinozaki, Daisuke Takagi, Hiroshi Nakashima, Yoshihiro Kobayashi, and Keiichi Torimitsu

AFM observation of membrane proteins suspended over CNT network

ICSPM-16, Kanagawa, Japan, 11th December~13th December,2008

[17] Youichi Shinozaki, Koji Sumitomo and Keiichi Torimitsu

AFM imaging of pore opening/dilation-related structural changes in P2X4 receptors (Oral presentation)

The 4th Workshop of the UK-Japan Bionanotechnology, Hyogo, Japan, 17th September~18th September, 2008

[16] Nahoko Kasai, Chandra S. Ramanujan, Youichi Shinozaki, Koji Sumitomo, John F. Ryan, Keiichi Torimitsu

Reconstitution of ionotropic glutamate receptor and its structure (Oral presentation)

The 4th Workshop of the UK-Japan Bionanotechnology, Hyogo, Japan, 17th September~18th September, 2008

[16] Koji Sumitomo, Youichi Shinozaki, Naohoko Kasai, Hiroshi Nalashima, Ari M. Siitonen, Keiichi Torimitsu, Chandra S. Ramanujan, John F. Ryan

AFM observation of membrane proteins suspended over nanowells: structural and functional analysis (Oral presentation)

The 4th Workshop of the UK-Japan Bionanotechnology, Hyogo, Japan, 17th September~18th September, 2008

[15] Youichi Shinozaki, Koji Sumitomo, Makoto Tsuda, Schuichi Koizumi, Kazuhide Inoue and Keiichi Torimitsu

Single receptor/channel imaging of P2X4 receptor (Oral presentation)

Purines 2008, Copenhagen, Denmark, 29th June~2nd July, 2008

[14] Keiichi Torimitsu, Youichi Shinozaki and Yuriko Furukawa

Magnesium effect on brain neural development (Poster)

Gordon Research Conference, “Magnesium in biochemical processes & medicine” CA, USA, 9th~14th Mar, 2008 (Best poster presentation award)

[13] Nahoko Kasai, Chandra S. Ramanujan, Akiyoshi Shimada, Youichi Shinozaki, Koji Sumitomo, John F. Ryan, Keiichi Torimitsu

Examination of reconstitution condition for AFM observation of an ionotropic glutamate receptor (Poster)

Joint meeting of the Biophysical society 52nd annual meeting and 16th international biophysical congress (IUPAB), CA, USA, 2nd~6th Feb, 2008 (ポスター発表)

[12] Youichi Shinozaki, Koji Sumitomo and Keiichi Torimitsu

Subunit structures of N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor analyzed by atomic force microscopy (Oral presentation)

Joint meeting of the Biophysical society 52nd annual meeting and 16th international biophysical congress (IUPAB), CA, USA, 2nd~6th Feb, 2008 (口頭発表)


[11] Youichi Shinozaki, Ari M. Siitonen, Koji Sumitomo, Kazuaki Furukawa, Nahoko Kasai and Keiichi Torimitsu

Effect of calcium ion to the lipid vesicle fusion studied by fast-scanning AFM

ICSPM15th , Shizuoka, 6th~8th Dec, 2007 (口頭発表)

[10] Ari M. Shiitonen, Koji Sumitomo, Chandra S. Ramanujan, Youichi Shinozaki, Nahoko Kasai, Kazuaki Furukawa, John F. Ryan, and Keiichi Torimitsu

The mechanics analysis of the purple membrane by atomic force microscopy

ACSIN-9th , Tokyo, 11th~15th Nov, 2007 (口頭発表)

[9] Youichi Shinozaki, Koji Sumitomo, Nahoko Kasai, and Keiichi Torimitsu

Direct imaging of ionotropic glutamate receptor proteins using fast-scanning atomic force microscopy (ポスター発表)

ACSIN-9th , Tokyo, 11th~15th Nov, 2007

[8] Nahoko Kasai, Chandra S. Ramanujan, Youichi Shinozaki, Koji Sumitomo, John F. Ryan, and Keiichi Torimitsu

Structure observation of a membrane protein reconstituted into an artificial lipid bilayer(口頭発表)

Third workshop of the UK-Japan Bionanotechnology collaboration, Oxford, UK, 18th~20th June,2007

[7] Koji Sumitomo, Ari M. Shiitonen, Chandra S. Ramanujan, Youichi Shinozaki, Nahoko Kasai, Kazuaki Furukawa, John F. Ryan, and Keiichi Torimitsu

Mechanics analysis of the purple membrane suspended over nano-structures (口頭発表)

Third workshop of the UK-Japan Bionanotechnology collaboration, Oxford, UK, 18th~20th June,2007

[6] Youichi Shinozaki, Koji Sumitomo and Keiichi Torimitsu

Subunit structures, conformational changes and dynamic observation of purified membrane channel proteins (口頭発表)

Third workshop of the UK-Japan Bionanotechnology collaboration, Oxford, UK, 18th~20th June,2007

[5] Nahoko Kasai, Chandra S. Ramanujan, Ichiro Fujimoto, Akiyoshi Shimada, Youichi Shinozaki, Koji Sumitomo, John F Ryan and Keiichi Torimitsu

Purification, reconstitution and AFM observation of a membrane protein (ポスター発表) 

1st International Symposium of Nanomedicine, Aichi, Japan, 20th~22nd Apr, 2007


[4] Youichi Shinozaki, Koji Sumitomo and Keiichi Torimitsu

Optimization of protein attachment to the substrate and analysis of conformational changes in the membrane protein(口頭発表)                      

ICSPM 14th, Izu Atagawa, Japan, 7th~9th Dec, 2006

[3] Youichi Shinozaki, Koji Sumitomo and Keiichi Torimitsu

High-speed atomic force microscopy of the purified membrane channel protein (口頭発表)

The 2nd workshop of the UK-Japan biotechnology collaboration, Tokyo, Japan, 4th~6th Dec, 2006

[2] H. Tozaki-Saito, M. Tsuda, K. Inoue, S. Koizumi, Y. Shinozaki, Y. Sato

Upregulation of microglial P2X4 receptors by retinoic acid (ポスター発表)

Neuroscience 2006, Monday, Oct 16, 2006, U.S.A.



[1] Youichi Shinozaki, Schuichi Koizumi, Kazuhide Inoue.

Cytoprotection against oxidative-stress-induced damage of astrocyte. (ポスター発表)  

Purines 2004, North Carolina, U.S.A, June, 2004.