Because Virgo is a feminine sign, Virgos generally have a dual character, on the one hand, they have a lot of self-confidence, but on the other, they can have strong self-doubt.

At first glance, the Virgin appears impassive and it seems as if he or she moves through life effortlessly. They seem very down-to-earth and practical and they are. But beware: Virgins still have a lot of emotions, which makes them very changeable. Virgo likes everything to go as planned and they hate it when a task doesn't work out the right way or things go wrong. Perfectionism then creates doubt.

Virgos pay attention to every detail and certainly have an eye for it. Their intellect usually functions at full power and they have a powerful memory. Both positive and negative things are always stored. This makes the Virgo very reliable and you can blindly trust these people when carrying out an assignment. They will carry it out to perfection. Although they have many talents, it is generally people who do not show up for sale. However, they are inspired to motivate people to get a lot out of themselves.

Virgos can be very critical, especially if you do something they would do very differently. They can then sit with their noses on top of others' work and this can be considered very disturbing. People recognize the qualities of the Virgin but sometimes find it difficult to work together. Virgos are picky and want things just the way they think they are. The Virgo works a lot, freeing up time for loved ones. Virgos go their own way and they will not change that soon

THE VIRGO (August 23 - September 22)

Element: earth

Special numbers: 5, 14, 23, 32, 41, 50, 59 (and then 9 more)

Colors: white, yellow, beige, green, silver, indigo, purple

Ruling Planet: Mercury

Negative planet: Jupiter

Lucky stones: carnelian, citrine, jasper, peridot, sapphire, amethyst, carnelian

Lucky days: Wednesday

Best fitting: bull and Capricorn

Most incompatible: twins, archer, fish

Suitable professions: professions in which your brain is used and where few routine activities are involved, analytical professions, accountant, accountant, scientist, science teacher

Health problems: stomach and intestine problems, spleen problems, fragile central nervous system, pneumonia, and nerve disorders


An eye for detail: Virgos see everything that is going on around them. They are very vigilant and have an eye for the broad picture, but also for the details.

Intelligent: Virgos are generally very intelligent and eager to gain knowledge. So they will always want to learn and are involved in training well into old age.

Practically minded: Virgos are very level-headed and will not easily focus on dreams and fantasies. They are more focused on the here and now.

Analytical: Something isn't going to be hidden from Virgos anytime soon. They therefore really enjoy solving complicated cases. They are therefore analytically very strong.

Reliable: Although Virgos are very intelligent and down to earth, they are also very modest at the same time. They do their very best to do their job but don't need too many compliments. A simple thank you is enough.

BAD PROPERTIES (joe, sorry!):

Too critical: Virgos are well aware of what is going on around them. They have clear thoughts and opinions and will regularly blow others' ears. They sometimes impose their own norms and values.

Picky: Virgos sometimes want to stick too much to the details of things, opinions and people. As a result, they can sometimes no longer see the forest through the trees. They want everything to be very good.

Demanding: Virgos are not easily satisfied with results achieved by themselves, but also by others. They want everything to be perfect and don't settle for less.

Conservative: Virgos aren't going to want to change anytime soon as long as something goes well. They are then not really open to applying a radical change.

Well, that seems like a bright start, what you Virgins? Are we now going to transition to the Virgin in love, because that is what this whole piece was meant for? And you can count yourself lucky if you hooked a Virgo because they are memorable partners. Provided you keep the following in mind:

They need a patient listener

Virgos tend to share their whole day with the one they love: the ups and the downs, the fun, and the less fun. And that can be a rollercoaster of both joy and frustration, where you will be their outlet. Give them that fun and listen patiently. Virgos care deeply about other people's emotions and sometimes forget to take care of themselves or stand up for themselves. By listening to them and thinking along with them you give them back, so to speak. Virgos set the bar high for themselves, with your encouragement they can relax there.

They like tight organization

Virgos are the kings and queens of the order. They flourish with cleanliness, cleanliness, and strict regularity, organization is their thing. So do not throw clothes on the floor or dirty dishes on the counter, because they do not pull at all. Virgos are ordered to the ridiculous, which means they can survive in any chaos. Of course, you don't have to go along with everything, but accept the light OCD of your Virgo and your life will be a lot more relaxed. And at least neater, HA.

They are sensitive

Virgos dose they're feeling because they don't want to overreact. And the latter is possible because they are very sensitive and emotional people. So don't be fooled by their orderly and rational behavior every now and then, underneath is a complete blaze of intuition, empathy, and emotions. Virgos are therefore very good at potting up, which means that they can sometimes get a bit explosive once they talk about it. Give them time and ask how they are doing regularly. Virgos also have to give their feelings a bit of an occasional spell, you can relax together afterward.

They work hard

And you better get used to it because that is not going to change. Work is important for Virgos: they like results and like to make an effort. They do that 'work' in any area, including their family, relationship, and family or hobbies. Virgos don't care about people who don't do their best, as a colleague they can sometimes seem a bit strict if they think something is not going well. Virgos give 100 percent and… expect that from you too.

They cannot deal with betrayal and dishonesty.

So say what you do and do what you say. Virgos are particularly bad at dealing with lies and deception. They cannot stand games like attracting and repelling, they think that is a waste of their time. And chances are they may notice adultery. After which they are likely to leave you. Honesty and open communication are important to everyone, but at Virgos, it is just a bit higher on the list, we shall say because they are very intuitive and sincere by nature.

They love sex.

So don't get distracted by the word "virgin" in this case because, um, anything but shall we say. Virgos are passionately and sexually-oriented, and through physical love, they communicate with you. Although they may seem a bit reserved at first, they will disappear when they learn to trust you. And then you have something. Please note: here too Virgos give 100 percent, but expect that from you too. Never take their love for granted, but do your best. You will have no regrets.

They need me-time

Virgos are social and love people, but they also sometimes need time for themselves. Give them that and don't confuse that need with aloofness: a Virgo will withdraw if you claim or claim too much. Even if that is due to uncertainty, and that is not necessary for anything. Especially if you give Virgo freedom and space, they will respect and appreciate you. And that is much more fun for you by the way.

To learn how to attract a virgo man , visit