Field Trips

Field trips are some of the most memorable days at Hortonville Rec! 

Kids must sign up for these and they come at an extra fee not included with registration. 

What field trips will we be taking?

Milwaukee Brewers' game, Wisconsin TimberRattlers' game, Bay Beach, NEW Zoo, Six Flags, Noah's Ark, Badger Sports Park, Neenah Pool, Polluck Pool, Building for Kids, and Mosquito Hill.

How do I sign my child/children up for field trips?

A Google folder, Field Trip Forms, has forms for each field trip that we will be taking this year.  Fill out the form, which can either be filled out online and then placed in this folder, printed and filled out (scanned or handed to a staff member).   

How much do these field trips cost?

Each field trip will have a different cost associated with it.

What happens at the park during field trips?

Regular rec programming will always be available during field trips. Counselors and volunteers will plan activities for those kids who remain at the park.