
Frequently Asked Questions

  • Where can I craft things at?

You can craft things via the 'Craft' tab, Club Tower, Ranch House, Textile, Workshop, or Furnace.

  • How many items can I craft at a time?

You may craft one or ten of any one item at a time, as long as you have the resources to craft it.

  • Do I need to unlock crafting recipes?

Nope! While in the first two games you either needed to go to certain isles to craft or find various recipes around the world, your crafting buildings all receive new recipes as they're added to the game, and buildings come fully equipped with patterns already in-game.



Your Furnace is essential for basic crafting. You'll need it to create bottles, refine different ores, and can convert tar to oil for your lantern.

You will need to fire up your furnace using coal from your inventory. Firing up your furnace will use Energy, rather than Focus.


Your Workshop is where the real fun stuff happens--tack crafting! This is also where you'll craft paper, books, horseshoes, and horse blankets. (You can't see the inside, but trust us- it's bigger on the inside.) For the most part, you'll be using wood, iron, and leather here... but there's still LOTS of fun stuff to craft that don't include those!


The Textiles building is required for anything involving, well, textiles! (And you can see inside this one!) Unlike in HI2, where you can craft your cloth in the middle of the road, every bit of cloth you craft in HI3 must be crafted at your Textile Workshop, in the peace and quiet of your own ranch. This is where you can use the cotton, flax, silk and jute you collect from the world, and the wool you import from faraway lands.

Your clothing, hats, and shoes will be crafted here, as well. Even though you start out with basic clothes, sometimes you just want to look nice! All clothing you craft here will be white to begin with. You can use dyes you've crafter to color it.