Game Rules

Click the link below for information about how HI3 is moderated.

Game Moderation

The following rules must be followed in order

to remain a player of Horse Isle


Follow the Golden Rule: Treat others as you'd like to be treated.

And the Brown Rule: This is Horse Isle, don't be a donkey!

HI3 Exceptions: We have softened these rules a bit from HI2/1, as the internet is more understood by parents now and our playerbase has matured. Our goal is still a family friendly environment, but making realistic adjustments now.

[RULE #1] No Obscenities, Inappropriate or Adult Topics

This is an all-ages, friendly environment. Remember that and communicate as though your mother, grandmother and 7 year old sister were all watching.

No violent, offensive or inflammatory language. This includes religious proselytizing, racial comments, ethnic stereotypes, political statements, etc.

No date-speak allowed. This is not a dating site, no boyfriend/girlfriend talk allowed. This includes talking about or referencing sexual orientation.

Because we need to monitor the chat, all chat must be in English.

All chat is recorded and monitored by Administrators, including Private Chat. Keep it clean and family friendly.

HI3 Exception: If grown ups want to talk about grown up non-explicit topics in a private chat, that is fine. The onus is on YOU to make sure no member is sensistive to the topics/younger. (We will only react to complaints, or wildly inappropriate content.)

[RULE #2] No Sharing Personal Info

NEVER share your Horse Isle password! NO ONE from Horse Isle staff will ever ask it from you. Never enter it on another website either.

No sharing of email addresses (Prevents anyone from logging into your account also!)

No sharing of websites/IM/facebook/discord

No sharing of phone/cell/mobile numbers

No sharing your age or asking for another player's age

No sharing real names/home addresses/home towns -- No outside advertising of any kind

Countries/States/Provinces are as detailed as we permit such communication.

Please limit your contact and friendships to IN-GAME only. This is for your and other peoples' safety.

HI3 Exception: The above all applies to public chats. Mentioning of facebook account, etc. is okay in a private chat with appropriate folks. Just please play safe. It is your responsibility to make sure it's appropriate for those you are chatting with FIRST. And let's try to keep it family friendly. Mis-chats happen frequently!

[RULE #3] No Ruining Fun For Others

No harassing/bullying other players. Do not tease, make fun of, call names, etc. The old, 'if you don't have anything nice to say.. don't type.'.

If someone does insult you, DO NOT respond. This will just make the situation worse. If it was serious (breaking Rule #1) report the person to a moderator or admin. You can do this directly or by filling out an 'Abuse' report. A recent chat log will be sent with the report, so the offense must occur within that log.

Try to relax and remember it is easy to take offense to things which were not intended online. Try to just ignore things and move on.

Limit the use of ANY reporting/moderating features to things that warrant it. Many things deserve to simply be ignored and move on, please handle what you can on your own.

Use the %PMMUTE or %FULLMUTE command on players that annoy you. DO NOT let it escalate to a problem.

No spamming/flooding chat by repeating the same thing over and over or by typing random letters or symbols.

There is an auction system, classified ads, and ranch stores to sell horses. Please use that instead of spamming chat.

This is a positive environment. Anyone not respecting others may receive a chat violation by Admins.

[RULE #4] No Cheating

If you find a bug and report it, you will be rewarded, with both respect and possibly an in-game reward.

If you find a bug and take advantage of it, that's cheating, and you could lose your account.

If you are banned, do not create a new account. Your new account will also be banned, instead work through the issues with support.

Do not use any type of automated click/repetition tools. Instant permanent ban when detected.

Do not make multiple accounts, while HI3 has removed the benefits of this, It's still considered cheating.

[RULE #5] Parental Permission

Anyone under 18 should have parental permission to play.

We REQUIRE anyone under 13 to absolutely have parental permission.

Many parents enjoy playing the game with their own account also, make it a family adventure!

Purchasing Mobia for the game Absolutely requires permission. Using any credit card info or Paypal accounts without permission that you do not own is STEALING. You will definitely get caught and then the account will be permanently banned and deleted.

Additionally we offer parents with young kids optional additional chat protections. Ranging from Blocking ALL CHAT, blocking private messages, or only allowing them to see your chats while you play with them. Click into Account to see more information.

[RULE #6] Play Smart

Never make a trade on a promise. Always make trades that are fair in themselves. (Don't give someone one of your horses with their promise they will give it back, etc.)

Do not trade something you are not willing to lose.

Do not buy or sell accounts. This is not only considered trading on a promise but is an easy way to get scammed.

Never give out your password to ANYONE, even someone claiming to be with HI3.

Do not share accounts with other players. Remember you are 100% responsible for your account, so don't let someone else ruin it for you.

Don't EVER agree to meet another player without parental consent in real life! Thems parents keep you safe!

Take breaks. Do not sit and play for hours straight. Try to break up game time with other activities. This will make the game more fun in the long run. We designed the game with the intention of the biggest benefits in the first hour or so of gameplay per day.

[RULE #7] Follow In-Game Courtesy

The following guidelines help you to get along with others in the game! These are also some of the most common causes of chat flaggings.Please keep Ads for trading/horses/club members/competitions OUT of Global Chat (Any post that players could potentially profit from). Ads chat is best, Ads in global chat is considered rude.

No avoiding the chat filter for offensive content that would have otherwise been blocked.

Avoid repeating similar chats over again. Folks prefer to not have to read the same thing over and over. (Exception being ads chats with reasonable time gaps.)

If you get frustrated with someone, just move on/ignore. Remember they could be a young child. Getting frustrated helps nothing.

If your chat is flagged, understand it will be reviewed by an admin and if not appropriate the FLAGGER will get in trouble. Nothing will go against your account.

No Begging. Asking for help is okay. While similar, begging comes from a place of laziness. Don't be lazy.

Try to have a thicker skin! Most of the time players are just kidding/teasing when they say something. Try not to overreact :)


In Game Art Content

The following guidelines are for the artkit in game.

Art Content must pass all the normal HI3 Rules.

Art should not be plagiarized from existing original in-game art. Players are welcome to make a batman logo for example, and since this is un-original someone else may make another version, etc. But someone's creative original art should not be duplicated.

Symbols and Initials can be considered against rules if they are explicit. For example, an elephant would be fine, an elephant with an R on it crossed out would be considered a political statement against the rules. Similarly rainbow art is fine, but LGBT at the bottom would push it against the rules.

Quilting patterns are too common and easy to replicate, so no plagiarism protections there. If you like a pattern, try to buy it from the original crafter. This saves yourself money of having it in your artkit taking up space and increasing publish fees.

Game Rules: Clarification (thread started by Pathfinder) Jul 31 2019 10:28amI want to clarify a few rules:

1) Do Not be rude to other players, even if they were rude to you.

If a player is rude to you or to others, then flag their chat and report them.

Do NOT be rude back to them. Not only that it'll escalate the situation, but it'll put you at risk of getting violations points for your rude behavior.

2) Do NOT start flagging wars.

The fact that someone flagged your chat - regardless if it was justified or not - does not give you the permissions to flag their chats as an act of revenge.

The only situation when you can flag a chat is when the chat clearly breaks the rules.

Before you flag a chat, think of *why* you flag it. If you can't find a good reason, then you probably don't need to flag this chat.

Remember: players who flag chats for no good reasons will be given violation points.

3) Do NOT push other players with your horse.

I'm not talking about accidentally bumping into another player. I'm talking about actively and constantly physically pushing a player away.

You might think it's funny, but if the other player asks you to stop, then you need to stop.

On the other hand, do not be rude to someone who accidentally collided with you, especially if it happens after a free trip to a club, because when there are many players in a small area, it's impossible to avoid collisions.

All of these three actions fall under the "No harassing/bullying other players" rule. Therefore, if you are rude to another player (even if they started it), or if you start flagging wars, or if you push players around, then you break this rule.


In general:

- Treat others the way you want to be treated.

- If someone was rude to you, tell them that what they said was rude. Remember that we have players from different countries and from different cultures, and that what seems OK to one player can seem rude to another, which means that misunderstandings can happen. So, before you start a fight with another player (which you shouldn't, but still), tell them what they did wrong. Who knows? maybe they didn't mean it.

- Politeness can go a long way, be it when you are using the in-game chat, write something in the forum, or send a ticket to the support team.


A note about the current flagging system:

Remember, we are still in Beta, and we all want the game to go live soon. Therefore, currently, there are more pressing issues than policing players. So, please avoid unnecessary quarrels.

In addition, keep in mind that the flagging system has its advantages and disadvantages, and is still an ongoing experiment. Therefore, don't get too upset by it; pointing out its flaws is good, but getting angry with us (HI staff) about it is not.


Usually, I leave threads like this open for a discussion, but not this time. I'm locking this thread because none of the rules mentioned above are up for discussion. Please adhere to them at all times.




HI3 does not not allow other games to be discussed as long as:

1) They are non-violent

2) They are not a web based game. As in no directing players to another website game.

{This is because we can not control the content on other websites, thus we do not allow them to be mentioned in public chat.}

3) Non-website games that are non-violent are allowed. These days that's not very many, but there are a few out there. lol

4) Rule-of-thumb: If the rating for the game is ok for young kids as in under 13... And it's not a website, it's fine.

There are some console games that are ok for young children for example. Or apps that can be played on a phone... That type of thing.

Otherwise please keep such content out of the public chat channels. :)

Chat's that are moderated and considered public chat:



Buddy - we are slightly more lenient here, but not much




Chat's that are not moderated - however we still do not allow explicit content so if seen for some reason the account Will be penalized:


Private Message

The links below take you directly to the Horse Isle 3 Game Forum where Game Rules are discussed.

Mod Trust Score

Your Mod Trust Score is what allows you to flag a chat. You may view your Mod Trust Score by typing %mod into the chat bar. You cannot view the Mod Trust Score of someone else.

You gain points by being an active player- building barns, being an active member of a club, playing the game, and paying for membership. We believe that the higher value you put on your account, the more likely you are to protect it (and not falsely flag someone!)

You will lose points if you're flagged (and admin reviewed.) You will gain points for correctly acting upon a chat that violates the rules.

Chat Violations

My Account page says I have violations!

Is it green? It's not a violation, but an action you took against another player.

Is it red? Someone flagged your chat because they felt it broke the rules. (Maybe read them a little more!)

How do I get rid of my chat violations?

We could make you write sentences, but you'd probably just copy and paste "I shall not break the rules" a thousand times. Have no fear, though, as chat violations vanish from your account after 60 days. If you've just broken a couple minor rules, they'll sit there and watch you in disappointed, red judgement to ensure you don't do it again.

So I won't get banned?

If you keep racking up a bunch of violations, there's a chance you could be banned from the game, yes, especially if you make a habit of it. If you do something REALLY bad, you can absolutely get banned.

There's also the potential that you'll be muted from chatting with other players if you misbehave, so simply try not to :)

So our biggest suggestion: don't break the rules and you'll be fine.

As a reminder, the rules are here:

Flagging a Chat

We suggest only flagging a chat if it's not family friendly (circumvention of the filter to sneak in a swear word, politics, religion, talking about illegal activities, or triggering emotional subjects.) This game is free for ALL people to enjoy, and people have a hard time enjoying a horse game when Global Chat looks like an emotional mosh pit.

To bring up the chat flagging interface, simply click on the offending chat three times. You'll then be prompted to select what punishment you think the chat's author needs to settle down a bit there and any notes for context.

When Not to Flag

Sometimes, people just need a gentle reminder of the rules. You can guide them to our Rules page at the bottom of the site; please do this at your discretion, and remember that abusing the chat flagging system is just as bad as breaking the rules ;)

Our rule page is - remember them well!