Horse Feed

Your horse needs to eat! Luckily, you don't need to purchase a hay barn and the works right away. You can just find a grassy area and dismount to let them eat. This might take a while, so if you're in a hurry, you can just hand feed them food you find in the world, like coconuts, berries, and avocados. Hand feeding fills them up MUCH faster than grazing! 

You can feed any placed horse by clicking Inventory -> Horse Feed and selecting the specific item you want to feed. Some things are more filling than others, so keep an eye on the Hunger stats to see what fills your horse up best. Horses will graze on their own if they are left standing on a grassy area.

If you have a ranch, you can feed all of your horses at once. Building Hay Fields will provide harvestable hay once every three or four real days. Stagger your building of hay fields (build one or two a day for three or four days) so you can be sure of a continuous supply. You can build a Hay Shed to store hay, but once a bale is put in the shed, you can't take it out again (and add it to your inventory), only click on it to feed your horses. Clicking "Feed" on a bale in the hay shed will feed all your horses. A Hay Shed holds seven bales of hay. 

Sometimes food can provide more than just a hunger boost! Some feed can actually give your horse a thirst boost, or even some energy/stamina.