Paper Products


Book Writing Information:


Players of Horse Isle may write small books. These are limited to 10,000 characters and must pass Club and then Admin Review, much like playermade quests. There are a few key differences, however, and aspiring novelists must pay heed to these instructions, lest their endeavors be for nought!

Books may be composed at a club's Library. You need to select "Curated Books" or simply type %books into the chat bar to pull up the book menu panel. Please note the SAVE button. It is going to be your best friend in case of crashes, accidental screen exiting, or evil cats tromping across the keyboard at an inopportune time. (Or birds, we've seen it happen.) 


All books must follow Horse Isle's rules. Our rules may be found in the actual Rules section, the Help Center, or the Forums. There is no reason to not follow them. 

Books must be original creations.


Books must go through a two-step process for review. The first will be Club Review, where a club's owners and managers may first view the book. The second is Admin review, where the admins of Horse Isle will review the book to ensure it meets Horse Isle rules. Mod and Admin Review will not handle typos or spelling errors for you. The window is limited to only ensuring it follows in-game rules. 

After carefully curating your life's work, make sure that you select its genre and the penname you're publishing this work under. It is far easier to reach your intended audience if you select this properly!

Books may be published for $10,000 as a review price. This price does not stack (go up) with each book published and you will not get the publish fee back if your book is rejected.

Club Managers and higher may review books up for Club Review using the %MOD panel.

After Publishing

After your book is published, you may wish to send your beloved creation (or manifesto) out into the world, once again by typing %BOOK or at Curated Books in the library. This does require an "Empty Book" item and one must be used for each copy of your book. 

Shelving Your Creation

Clubs may create entire libraries of books by adding them to "Curated Book Shelves." Only Managers and Above are capable of doing this. You do not need to be a member of a club to have a club publish your books! In fact, we encourage clubs to collect and curate as large a selection as possible. But you do need to be a member of a club to have books published- it's part of our reviewing process.

Once a book is added, it can also be removed by Managers and higher. The book will return to the original player's inventory to avoid pilfering of precious paper.

You must click READ on your list of books, and from that page, add that book copy to the club library.

Further Notes

Writing is a fun, artistic expression that should be shared and everyone should be encouraged to be engaged in it. We do not have 'talent limits' on what is allowed to be published, though we will reiterate that what is published must fall within our rules. 

A Note on Formatting:

Basic formatting is permitted, though anything that makes it harder to read will not be allowed. Please keep in mind that one of the reviewing admins is dyslexic and VERY weird formatting will make it impossible for her to review it properly and it will be sent back. Too much formatting will also eat up your character limit. 

Series Creation 

If you're feeling limited by the character limits, you may create a series of books. Serials have some historical significance, as well, but we'll behave and not turn this into a forced learning moment. Using "Part 1, Part 2, Part 3" or I, II, III will let people know that it is part of a series and will best be read as one. We aren't using three as a maximum limit, here, it is simply an example and we sort of lose track of what we're saying after three. 

Serials do not need to be published all at once. Or you can. As books cannot be edited after publication, however, we do encourage players to consider ahead of time as to whether or not their creation is a standalone or the first in a series. You may link books in a series together through the writing page, as well.