
The HI3 dyeing system is capable of naming over 17,000 individual colors! 

The color name the game gives each one is chosen by adding whatever matches the shade most nearly; if it is a bit off, it automatically add an -ish suffix. 

Two different recipes may produce the same named color but actually be minutely different. 

Note: Dye recipes will not save over another if the same color is produced. Both dye recipes will remain seperate recipes even if they have the same named color.

Click below for access to the HI3 Dye Sheet that has been created by many HorseIsle players.

Dye Ingredients can be found all over the world, and each biome has one or two plants you can use for making dyes. You can also grow dye ingredients in gardens on your ranch (and, of course, buy ingredients from stores and other players). You can dye your clothing, and your tack, with these dyes.

As a general rule, flowers make the brightest colors. Berries and fruit make strong colors but usually darken also. Some items like acorns can be used as a general darkening agent for any color. Soda ash (from kelp burnt in a furnace) will bleach things for you.

You can mix ingredients in any way you want, just keep in mind that the more things you add, the further toward black you eventually go. There is no limit to the amount of things you can have in your dye recipes. Dye colors are additive.

Click below to see the different dye ingredients and what colors they make.