Policies and Procedures


Please enter your child’s absences, in advance, in the Family Portal. This helps us to know which students will be here, when, and what staff we need for coverage. We won’t need to wait at the front desk for latecomers if we know they will be absent. Here is a link to a video tutorial about scheduling absences in the Family Portal, but it is fairly intuitive.

For private lessons, submit an absence in the Family Portal and ALSO let your teaching artist know, in advance. Calling or texting at the lesson start time should only happen in the case of an extreme emergency. If we know in advance that your child will be absent we may be able to schedule another student for a makeup lesson, or move lessons around so that a teaching artist can start later or leave earlier. 

Please help us be respectful of our teaching artists’ time and good stewards of the donations we’ve received to make sure children have access to high quality classes and private lessons. 

drop off and pick up & parking

For more information about parking, see Location, Directions and Parking on the Home page.


Parents/guardians agree to abide by Hope Academy / ELPC child safety policies. 

For a detailed explanation of East Liberty Presbyterian Church's Child Safety Policy, click here.



In the event of severe winter weather creating unsafe conditions, Hope Academy of Music and the Arts will follow the schedule of the Pittsburgh Public Schools. 


PAYMENT and registration policy

By entering your credit card information, you authorize Hope Academy of Music and the Arts (Hope Academy) to charge your card for per term fees plus registration.

Registration Fee

Payment Requirements

Withdrawal and Refund Policy

Maintaining Good Standing