Cow Facts

Did you know...

Cows can drink up to about a bathtub full of water a day, which is about 35 gallons of water per day!

Around 9.2 million cows are being milked on 110,000 farms in the United States and 99% of all dairy farms are family owned and operated.

Our cows all wear pedometers. If they are not taking their average steps a day, the cows might be getting sick and we will go check on them to see how they are feeling.

Cows eat an average of 40 pounds of feed per day. To keep the feed fresh from harvest, farmers wrap the silage in a saran-wrap type material and weigh it down with tires to allow for fermentation that creates good probiotics for the cows' stomachs.

Cows are pregnant for nine months, similar to humans.

Cows' normal body temperature is 101.5 degrees Fahrenheit.

Cows have one stomach with four chambers- rumen, reticulum, omasum, and abomasum. The chambers help digest different parts of their diet properly.