Up Coming Events
Young Youth Meeting Times:
01/08/25 Mt. Morris 5 pm
01/22/25 West Holden 5 pm
Bible Study /Coram Deo Times
01/08/25 Mt. Morris 6 pm
01/22/25 West Holden 6 pm
January 6th Worship Committee Meeting at West Holden at 5:30 pm
January 12th --- The mission trip crew (21 people!!!!) would like to invite you to wear your flannels on January 12 to support us on our upcoming trip! If you would like to, we will have a separate offering basket near the front of the church for donations! We can’t wait to see all you “lumber Jacks” out there!!! God is good!
January 19th --- The joint fellowship committee would like to invite you to a fun filled day of tubing and pizza!!! We will be gathering directly after service at Mount Morris for some yummy eats, then we will head over to Nordic for our tubing adventure! Each group will need to go online to register for the 1-3 time slot at Nordic… but please also sign up on the clip board so we know how many pizzas to get for lunch! Can’t wait to see you all there!
Annual meetings-
-- West Holden---- January 26th directly after service
Mount Morris---- February 2nd directly after service
Valentines for Wisconsin Veterans
MADISON – The Wisconsin Department of Veterans Affairs (WDVA) is asking for folks to help us show our veterans how much we appreciate their service and sacrifice by sending Valentine’s Day cards to veterans living in WDVA facilities.
“Last year, the residents at our Veteran Homes in Chippewa Falls, King, and Union Grove were thrilled to receive Valentine’s Day wishes and thoughtful messages,” said Secretary James Bond. “I'm amazed that thousands of folks from across the nation took the time to participate, and I'm excited to continue this new tradition with our Wisconsin veterans again this year."
In our first year, WDVA received 24,000 Valentines and last year that grew to 28,000. Because of the overwhelming response, WDVA will be able to share valentines with even more veterans by delivering them to our three Veterans Housing and Recovery Program locations in Chippewa Falls, Green Bay, and Union Grove.
The valentines are hand delivered by staff, including Secretary Bond, to the veterans, loved ones, and Gold Star families residing in our veterans facilities. To see pictures from last year, visit our album on Flickr.
Please be sure to mail your cards no later than January 31, so we have them in time to be distributed to all our facilities on February 14. We ask that you do not include candy, food, or snacks with these due to allergies or dietary restrictions.
Please send to:
Wisconsin Department of Veterans Affairs
Attn: Veteran Valentines
PO Box 7843
Madison, WI 53707-7843