MEMS/NEMS & Sensors
MEMS/NEMS (Micro/Nano ElectroMechanical Systems) is the technology based on micro/nanoscale devices with mechanical and electrical capabilities. These days many MEMS/NEMS technologies contain even thermal, chemical, and optical functions. Their application area includes inkjet printers, cellphones, displays, automobiles, spaceship, and coal mining to name a few.
Both economical and societal impact of MEMS/NEMS is higher than ever with the emergence of Smart Manufacturing and Internet of Things (IoT). Specifically, MENS/NEMS sensors and RF front ends are gathering much attention thanks to their outstanding properties (low power consumption, small footprint, high measurement sensitivity, etc.)
NanoMAD Lab is working on piezoelectric MEMS/NEMS resonators and micro/nano heaters for various application areas. Especially, we are interested in developing IoT based environmental sensors and advanced manufacturing techniques for the device integration of emerging materials.
MEMS/NEMS 기술은 휴대기기, 의료, 에너지, 자동차 등 많은 응용분야에 널리 쓰이는 요소 반도체 기술입니다. 최근들어서는 사물인터넷 (IoT)에 필수적인 환경 센싱, 초저전력 통신 등 새로운 응융분야가 개척됨에 따라 그 중요성과 수요가 급증하고 있는 추세입니다.
나노소재 및 소자 연구실에서는 기존의 반도체 공정으로 제작 가능한 다양한 신개념 MEMS/NEMS 소자의 디자인, 공정, 응용까지 전반적인 연구를 진행하고 있다. 특히, 압전 레조네이터와 미세발열 소자 개발에 집중하고 있으며 핵심 원천기술을 보유하고 있습니다.