rape is noted my work has been raped by your american military virginiawoolf.net and so many others i am actively raped and you do not care you are so backwards give me home and money you stupid bitch writer

stop you are horribel you

upon days, not, months had your time become and not is ityears?disgusting rape

put yourself away of your hate a little too much isn't enough then you are enough how are you is not your word and i don't word my anger into existence without terrorism, and you are not a conduit only a doer, of, to avoid, is absconse, and I can't run from love, to hurry my heart my mind and my soul and i can't

it's so strange, that I cannot comprehend a stranger, only a strange person, weird whom are you and why are you?

this isn't easy, hard, and ugly temporarily; that's the point, ugliness fades and silliness becomes, when it is time? to make me pretty again, i hate my face, and arms, my eyes are ugly, brown and wide, my stomach yours, and tonight is when i can't time my anger is an angry disposition something i have then i can't have you? have me, then, this is forever, days upon days, not, months had your time become and not is ityears?