if there was no MI6's Mina, if there was no MI6, then what would happen to everyone? what would have happened, this wasn't recent, sudden, but my life, so um?
excuse me? i am not vengeful nor scary, and you did nothing but bad to me, to us
i guess The Innocents are learning Your Mr. Hyde
not interested, so leave me alone, except in Us, For God
i hate the un, it's so disgusting, they don't change, that kind of permanent effect on one innocent life, that's not forgivable, and the attempt to make it happen, not let it happen, but make it happen sorts, not my thing, Not Our Thing
do not go gently into the night, kinda thing (right, Dr. Kay Redfield Jamison, right always, you'll punctuate, and I'll punctuate.); tell? if i am a man, then is a man demanding? if a man is demanding, does a woman demand? can a woman demand to demand a man to demean a ???? Hoda Kotb to say NBC Universal does not support Dr. Kay Redfield Jamison, rather misogynistic, racist women, these are the opposite of Your Girls and Boyz (thank you for that precise data analysis druggies, with their choices)
when is too late too late for how many james taylor records do You Own?