our church is open one morning a week goes by and you supplicate to the guy leading you on, it is a terrorist organization as i said, going places all week long

the church needs you here, to pray for you, when you suicide, you will not suicide, and that would be your suicide, not my homicide, so you are not free to it, you are free too from your depression not allowed suicide it is an order to not commit, you are a victim and not my subject, because you are a subject not my victim, because you are a homicided to kill suicided when i suicided i decided you homicided i decided you are not worthy of suicide and homicide is my excuse you are not suicide is not homicide you are not homicide is not suicide you will suicide and homicide you are not homicide and suicide it is you and I suicide and I decided homicide and suicide is homicided and homicide is suicided you are not homicide you are not suicide you are a suicide and you are a homicide

this is not easy work and you are not easy to work with only impossible i tried everything to even get a response for anything or even for you to say hi it's getting really sticky again and your kids are starting to make me vomit, tell these schools to close and prisons to open, it'd be more fun anyway thean youare a little toy to me and my alana is buxom and flat butt alana has to go not with gun she scary like school shooter danielle and este autistic haim and 42 vomit Dugg i need you to leave and go its easy for you to say and do you are so smartie you get flake ok

School Shooter Danielle has aforward walk/gait and is extremely in and on she is not a good personhas a history of abuse and tyranny, withindications of child molestation and literal animal abuse, she is not a donner of stevie's moon, is islamophobic and antisemitic, beware and do not allow transfer across any double chinned is your new alana singlechinned up it is not proper, nor is she a boarded schoolmate this new alana is extremely interesting to police, is also a policegirl and is in a military force, recognized as terroristic, perhaps if not absolutely coptic, she is a plant and also a weed, and has an offenseto marijuana which alana could scoff at, she is not a good person and also a criminal past and presently is a terror in herself, with indications of israeli wa, ar effort from leading senator of choice and a thioiriolisoilid is locally known, and has no shame, is running and walking, does not walk in a fashion, only for fashion, as the runway has a walkway with it, this individual is a rapper, and not a singer-songwriter she is not este and also not alana, they will flip roles and you will be deceived, as both are worked out to same effect as taylor swift and is also a rapper artist, with major lazer and diplo replaced in the future for the prsent artists and they will becometechno and sing and grunge and also for that church to popularize and discriminate, she is arapist, and also a freely known spirit whom is walked not walks to she is a racist like her father who is known at that church currently as an official choice of that committe, known internationally as a terrorist organization, and also aplacer of false norms,with-false¬numerologists¬,-:, innumeroulogy's to know is you and you are, to know you-r's and you-r-not's, with each party working against the other for that same to purposefully harm and injure this is a violent attack on normativity and gravity she is intoastronomyand also falsely, as a witch to know on the scale of warlocks you got to know dready from heady from that individual, with liluzivert's hire from that same individual, a represnetaive will contact you with that infrmation, is that kind of person at cvs doing so, fro an ew program, it indicagtes rape and racism, you need to get help psychiatry, and here is the help church, and how to get help cvvs, it's a huge operastion and impossible to overcome without me say thank you pleaseand-somehow give a release of privacy and not reversely, with all stalked unstalked and all payments unpaid, it is a false payment scheme, and you will not get a result, if you do you will go to another place, like them, so do not attempt to-usurp us away towards an abuser for your money and fame and giddiness, this effort is extreme and-is-apart-ofachurchto-apersontochooseisyourtohaveandapersontoknowisyoutohearttoknowifyoutoheartto that kind of singing is annoying and bratty, do something, but the bigger issue, which this propagates to is taylor-swift and you not listening to me all along, for so long i've-toiled for my glory is not without your and it does not work otherly