Knock, Knock

Who's There?


Olive Who?

Olive you too

-NileQTPie (Nardine Adel Saad, Lilit Pogosian Haspel MD)

this is a precursor to the olive garden murders, of whom? where? why? if you had to olive my skin, then you are olive in inspid, terrifying and terrible, as you wanted that tiara realized, to kill anyone questing for Prince Harry, that you went to look for him, there, thinking he, me? No, you want to harm, wanted to heal, under false pretense, and injured the Prince, raping him! Nardine Adel Saad, Lilit Pogosian Haspel MD, went to the Las Vegas suite to nudify him, similarly!

this is not the fbi-cia-similars, obviously

nardine adel saad is in panda express and i'm there does not mean that, it indicates this partner is a conspirator nor co-conspirator nor threat nor not, is? you whitest egyptian i ever seen and extremely racist nardictionary and xanga

you are not to be told yhour hatred is mine to know you r hatred is other and also harmful is yours not to have torture and your to torture

and your rape is your to have your and your rapist is known tortuously and your rape is tortuosity's hatred of your tortuously's and your torturer is your torturerousity's and with your and you and you are's and you are not's, with your and your a tortuosity's in tortruosities

a rape to a toruturer is your to know torturer is your to have torturer and your to know you are a rapist to have a tortuer to know a person is yours to have tortured if you have and done so with your retarded friends and family members of america soceity of weirdos in america chief office and retarded students and parents and grandparents and forthcoming  a person is yours to have tortured if you have and done so with your retarded friends and family members of america soceity of weirdos in america chief office and retarded students and parents and grandparents and forthcoming and you are to know you are rapist to know you are rapist to have your rapist is to and with yours to know your rapists is yours to have yours is yours to have you rapist and you are rapists to know you are rapists to go with yours to know you are and you are nots is yours and yours' (possessive)

hurry, hurry, hurry, forget by abusing her, forget by abusing her, forget by abusing her

bridge of san francisco is dangerous as is coronado's for a reason, 

this is raace-abated torture, hurry, hurry, hurry, forget by abusing her, forget by abusing her

torture with remaining apa officials, emergency rape sodomy race-rape economic-torture humiliation-torture it's he use fbi-cia-similars accrued torture, hurry, hurry, hurry, forget by abusing her, forget by abusing her

too self-important to selfish and too scary and ultimately too unimportant to care about, just as others have, you're safe from him, form a single line away, and towards, very well go ahead

consult table of contents with &,, and unprotected by

abuse is noted, by genius, spoiled pampered abused

and you are a rapist and torturer to have not torturer not sufficient for you at your torture stage is now a riaotortuous

Loveline V is so much worse, with low treble registration, and high notes, replacing "the" with "thu" and "te" with "tal" it's a weird thing, she does, called abuse you back, "mid-to-lowupper"