Other App


- The app must be related to learning/education
- The app does not overload the College's server when in use
- The app does not interfere students' learning


To nurture students' responsibility, we encourage students to complete the application themselves:

  1. Fill in one form per app (with HLC's email account)
    - Name
    - Class
    - Class No.
    - App Name
    - Reason(s) for installation

  2. For any paid app, please consult your parents before purchase

  3. (If possible) Download the app on your phone with your OWN Apple ID at home first

  4. Once approved...
    - You will receive a notification from a teacher in charge
    - You should sign in to your iPad with your Apple ID
    - Contact the teacher in person for installation

Disapproved Examples

  • Notetaking (Unclear app name)

  • Bible (Unclear app name)

  • NBA 2K20 (Disapproved app type)

  • Netflix (Overloading school server)

  • Drawing is good (Unclear reason)

  • Useful (Unclear reason)

Approved Example 1

  • App Name: Procreate

  • Reason: I use this app to learn drawing every Saturday at a tutorial centre

Approved Example 2

  • App Name: Bible (Daily Verse)

  • Reason: I use this app for bible study and need it every Sunday

After Installation...

  • It takes roughly 2-3 weeks to proceed the installation. Please be patient.

  • Not all installations will be entertained.

  • If students are found to use the app inappropriately in lessons, they will receive a warning. The College reserves the rights to remove the app if the problem persists.

  • You may also contact the teacher to delete an app you have applied to install