Acceptable USe Policy iPad使用守則

As we enter a new era of education, schools are required to assist students to develop skills to become digitally proficient citizens in the 21st century. This document provides guidance and direction to principals, staff and school communities for the management of iPads. It is important that students and parents are familiar with the terms under which these devices can be used within the College.

為使學習更趨個人化和具流動性,書院正推行「自攜裝置」(BYOD) 計劃。目標希望加強教學和學習效能,創造以學生為中心的學習環境,讓學生成為21世紀數碼公民。為讓家長和學生明白在校內使用平板電腦的情況,以下為有關之使用規則: