HLC's BYOD Project

HLC 自攜裝置計劃

Boundless Learning, Boundless Opportunity

News 最新資訊

Date(s) of Registration: 11/07/2024

iPad information for students enrolling in 2024-2025 is now available here

2024-2025 註冊學生可以於這裡得到相關資訊。

Update: June 1, 2024

Distribution of iPad 派發電子學習裝置

All iPads have been properly handled and distributed. If you are planning for government funding for BYOD, please be reminded to submit your documents (byod@hlc.edu.hk) by October 31, 2023.


Update: September 30, 2023

Submission of iPad 交還電子學習裝置

If you have not yet submitted your iPad for S.1 BYOD, please do it asap.


Update: August 29, 2023

Installation of other applications

At the beginning stage of BYOD, we would like to ensure BYOD can be run smoothly before we welcome students applying for other education applications. Another announcement will be made once the setup is ready.


Update: July 13, 2023



Please contact BYOD teachers during school hours