Accidents, HK Police, Impounding

What To Do After An Accident

In the event that you are involved in an accident there are a number of things that you should remember to do. Here are some guidelines on what to do in an accident:

  • Call the Police '999': As soon as the accident has occurred y ou should call the police who will then be able to provide a report on the situation. Take pictures: Take pictures of the vehicles involved in the accident as well as any skid marks on the road, or damage to the vehicles. Make sure y ou take wide angle shots showing the entire scene, as well as detail shots of damage, license plates and other relevant details. These pictures can be useful later providing additional support to the claim.
  • Wait for the police to arrive at the scene. Do not move the vehicles unless instructed to do so by the police.
  • Exchange insurance information with the other driver: Make sure you obtain the insurance information of the other drivers involved in the accident. You may be asked to provide this to y our insurance company later.
  • Once the police have arrived, follow their directions: It is important that once the police have arrived that you follow all their directions and answer all their questions accurately . Remember that y ou still should not admit fault.
  • Obtain a copy of the police report: When the police have investigated the scene and made their observations, they will compile a report on the incident. It is extremely important that you obtain a copy of this report.
  • Contact y our insurance company : Within 7 day s if you are able to do so. In many cases the insurance company can start to process a claim before the police report has arrived, provided a completed claims form is supplied to them.

It is important that if you are in an accident that you never admit fault. An admission of fault before the police have determined the cause of the accident can be seen by the insurer as 'contractual liability ' or liability of the policy holder assumed under an agreement which would not normally have arisen. It is important to note that contractual liability will normally be excluded from coverage under a motor vehicle insurance policy.


Rocky Yung - Specializes in personal injury claims, insurance claims, vehicular claims, etc WhatsApp +852 901 5 31 1 4

Small Accident cases:

Many accidents are only small and may not justify an insurance claim and the hassle of going through the police with witness statements, court summons, etc. In such cases it is much better to settle the damage in a out of court settlement. Both parties agree on the damage and who has to pay what. In such cases, you can still call the police to let them record that the two parties have settled the case between them and no further claims will be lodged.

If you wish to write down an agreement between the parties, you may want to use one of the these agreements, which makes the whole matter clear for both parties:

Motorcycle Impounded:

If your bike has been towed from it's parking area due to illegal parking, or because the area has been cleared for some random temporary event like a parade and you didn't know, you should call the police on 2564 1457. They will tell you how much to pay to release the bike, and where it is. You'll need to bring the original registration document, Insurance Proof, and payment of the impounding fine.

Side note, public motorcycle parking is only permitted for 24hours in the same spot,

HK Police:

HK Police are commonly used for a few reasons:

  • Cars parked or blocking motorcycles parked on the street
  • Demerit Points and Driver Training Courses
  • Motorcycle Inspections

To be updated...