Surveys among Hong Kong SMES

Symposium on SME survey

Interim Report on Survey on Impact of COVID

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English version

Chinese version

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PPT Slides

Check SME Survey:

Questionnaire (English and Chinese)

In order to ultimately form tailored law reform recommendations to Hong Kong’s commercial environment, a survey targeting Hong Kong SMEs is conducted to collect relevant data. These data will be collected through telephone and online questionnaires answered by local business owners. The CityU School of Law is collaborating with various leading business trade associations to distribute online questionnaires to gain first-hand information about Hong Kong SMEs’ financial health and ability in times of COVID-19.

 Trade associations that have agreed to collaborate and support the distribution of surveys (in alphabetical order):

 Association of Coffee and Tea Hong Kong

Federation of Hong Kong Brands 

Hong Kong Federation of Restaurants & Related Trades

Hong Kong Footwear Association

Hong Kong Internet & Ecommerce Association

Hong Kong Optical Manufacturers Association

Hong Kong People and Brands

Hong Kong Young Industralialists Council

Hong Kong General Chamber of Young Entrepreneurs

Institute of Certified Management Accountants (Hong Kong Branch)

Institute of Public Accountants

JCI (Junior Chamber International Hong Kong) Apex

SME Global Alliance


The Hong Kong Apparel Society

The Hong Kong Chinese Importers’ & Exporters’ Association 

The Hong Kong Chinese Manufacturers’ Association

The Hong Kong General Chamber of Small and Medium Business

The Toy Manufacturers’ Association of Hong Kong