Blog posts

Court-Supervised Restructuring of Large Distressed Companies in Asia: Law and Policy

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Written by: WAN Wai Yee, August 8 2022.

Keywords: Corporate restructuring, Asian jurisdictions, legal transplantation

Disclosure Requirements in Corporate Debt Restructuring via Schemes of Arrangement: A Comparative Approach

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Written by WAN Wai Yee and Casey WATTERS, 25 May 2021

Keywords: Corporate insolvency, disclosure, Scheme of Arrangement

Empirical and Comparative Analysis of Singapore Schemes of Arrangement

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Written by WAN Wai Yee and Casey WATTERS, 11 December 2020

Keywords: Corporate restructuring, Insolvency law, Schemes of Arrangement

Singappre Schemes of Arrangement: Empirical and Comparative Analysis

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Written by WAN Wai Yee, Casey WATTERS and Gerard MCCORMACK, 9 February 2021

Keywords: Bankruptcy Reform, Bankruptcy Roundtable Updates, International and Comparative

Transplanting Chapter 11 of US Bankruptcy Code into Singapore's Restructuring and Insolvency Laws: Opportunities and Challenges

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Written by WAN Wai Yee and Gerard MCCORMACK, 15 January 2019

Keywords: Bankruptcy Reform, Bankruptcy Roundtable Updates, International and Comparative