Low Back Pain


Dr. Henry Pang (Author), Stacey Yeung (Chinese Translation)

Low back pain is common, with reported lifetime prevalence up to 50-80% in various studies. Dancers are not immune to low back pain despite their relatively stronger physique. In fact, they are at risk of certain types of low back pain given the high physical demand on spinal motions. There are numerous causes of low back pain in dancers, ranging from simple muscle strains to serious nerve or spinal cord compression. To better understand low back pain in dancers, we discuss some causes of low back pain and their management using a 3P approach (Presentation, Pathology, Prevention, and treatment)

Soft tissue: Muscle strain/sprain and muscle imbalance


An acute onset of localized tenderness over paraspinal muscles. The pain usually increases with motion but can be improved by stretching, rest and massage. On-and-off back pain with a flare-up, especially with improper postures or exertion (such as during showcases or competitions).


It is caused by excessive stress on lower back soft tissues, especially at the extreme lower back closed to buttocks. Since many dance forms encourage a hyperlordotic (arched back) and anteriorly tilted hip posture, it increases the stress on the lower back. Some dancers may experience pain because of the underlying lower cross syndrome, which is characterized by tight back extensors (erector spinae) and hip flexors (iliopsoas), as well as weak abdominal muscles (rectus) and hip extensors (gluteus). This muscle imbalance combined with training behaviors can or overload certain muscles and reduce the flexibility of the lower back.

Prevention and treatments:

In addition to rest, massage and medications (oral and topical) that can help relieve the muscle tightness, a more important aspect is to correct the underlying muscle imbalance. To prevent further muscle strain/ sprain, stretching of tight muscle and muscle reconditioning targeting at abdominal and gluteus muscles are essential as well.


1 Lic. Rik Op De Beeck Dr. Veerle Hermans. European Agency for Safety and Health at Work. Research on work-related low back disorders at work. 2000.

2. Swain, C. T., Bradshaw, E. J., Whyte, D. G., & Ekegren, C. L. (2018). The prevalence and impact of low back pain in pre-professional and professional dancers: A prospective study. Physical Therapy in Sport, 30, 8-13.


軟組織: 肌肉勞損/ 扭傷和肌肉失衡


脊椎旁肌肉局部壓痛的急性發作。運動會令疼痛加劇,而伸展運動、休息和按摩可紓緩痛楚。斷斷續續的背痛尤其在姿勢和用力不當時加劇 (例如:在表演或比賽中)。


因下背部(尤其在末端位置)的軟組織承受過大壓力引起。由於許多舞種中都鼓勵舞者使用脊柱前凸過度(向後拱)和髖關節前傾的姿勢,繼而增加舞者下背部的壓力。 另外有些舞者可能曾經體驗過下背痛,這也歸因於潛在的下交叉症候群,其特徵是後背伸肌(豎脊肌) 和髖屈肌(髂腰肌)繃緊,以及腹肌(直腸)和髖伸肌(臀肌) 無力。這種長期的肌肉失衡加上訓練習慣或超負荷會導致下背部缺乏柔韌性。


除了透過休息、按摩和藥物治療(口服及外用藥物) 幫助緩解肌肉繃緊外,更重要的是糾正潛在的肌肉失衡。為了防止進一步的肌肉拉傷/ 扭傷,伸展緊繃的肌肉和針對調節腹肌和臀肌也是必不可少的。







對於短期治療,藥物和被動式物理治療(例如治療用超聲波、經皮神經刺激(TENS)和按摩)可以幫助減輕椎間盤源性背痛。支架/ 矯形器可以用於暫時支撐背部,並預防引起急性期疼痛的微動。但是,長期使用支架會引起依賴,並進一步削弱核心肌肉。椎間盤源性腰痛的根本治療方法是強化核心肌肉—強壯的腹部和下背部肌肉可以減輕椎間盤的受壓,並減低引起早期椎間盆退化和椎間盤源性背痛的機會及它的復發。