Untitled 2

By Vonsensei


I don’t want to be the one that pulls the trigger on your heart

Tearing you apart id rather let you kill me

I know what it’s like to be on the other side of the trigger

I hate to even think about being that man

See my ex lover didn’t mind putting me on that path

A famine of the heart to all who feel the loss of love

I want to reject it and eject it so I try so hard to make plants grow even on dry soil

Where flowers used to bloom lush

I miss the oasis that used to be us

I ponder how did it turn into dust

I recollect with a dry mouth thirsty for feelings of when our love felt right

As you try to kiss me like it’s alright

Yet I taste nothing on your lips but the desperation to feel something and I hate that I feel nothing

I don’t want to pull this trigger on you

I’d rather pull it on myself for not loving you.
