Artist ~ @poisoned.artt

Paintings by Ariana Ragsdale

~From the Artist ~

I’ve always had a passion for anything artistic before I could even walk or talk. Picking out my own outfits at the store instead of getting toys was really the start of it. And it really just progressed from there, from doing craft classes with my mom, to going to an art studio my freshman year of high school. Art has definitely been a outlet for me as a child because I had gotten bullied a lot in school. Art has been a sort of way to express how I feel, and what I want to say without verbally saying it and transforming that into a painting or sculpture or fashion design, anything that’s a piece of art. I’m only in the beginning of my art career, but since then I have learned so much and aspired to take on hardships I had faced and help other young black upcoming artists. Throughout my art is mystery and certain interest that I have, as well as feelings and emotions. I have also had a love for poetry so a lot of my paintings are based on stories and poems that I wrote prior to creating a painting out of that poem. I would say one of my goals that I would like to accomplish is letting other young black girls like myself and just young black artists in general come together and feel comfortable in these certain art aspects of life, and to create more representation in these certain art industries that lack. And this all stems from being a young black girl, who loved art, and was looked at weird for it, but loved it so much she didn’t let anybody get in the way of what she loved. And like myself, when I went into these certain Art places representation was little to none, and I’m here to change that.

Check them out on Instagram & TikTok [@poisonedartt]!!