These Four Walls

By KeÁsia Smith


As I lay between these four walls I notice the lack of sound

The silence Being so loud that I’m now bound To The depressing Peace That It brings

Missing The chaos

The sounds of kisses and smiles in between

Of Screams and moans that’ll bring the unholiest to their knees

Of You And Every Person I’ve shared this bed with Thereafter Even if Only for a night

The cries I let out are nothing like those of the morning after

knowing that I’m not the one night type

Knowing this shit just don’t feel right

But I lay with strangers cause I like the warmth

I’m anemic so I need the heat

Had to stop sleeping with the fan on cause it’s too damn cold in here when it’s just me

And I have no one to call at night so I stare at these four walls when I can’t sleep

These four walls

I’m so sick and tired of these four walls

When I go to sleep at night I pray that it’s a dream and I can wake up and forget it all

But I always wake up and it’s Always the same shit

It’s always these four walls and another night with a bitch I don’t even wanna lay with

Wanting to tell you that I miss the way things were but I just don’t know how to say it

So when the post nut clarity hits I think of you and your scent

how it painted these four walls

And made these four walls not feel so small after all

But at least when the silence of these four walls sets In and I feel alone again

I have an everlasting reminder of you and the time that we spent

But I’m still sick and tired of these four walls