Mary Jane

By Mik L.

I love the way she moves

The way she flows so freely

Blowing any which direction she chooses and taking any such form she desires, not giving a damn what you want

But treat her sweetly & with tender care, she might just submit to your essence

Giving you just what you need

Not what you asked for, but it's better

Her body moves with such beauty

Making you want to suffocate in her aura

Flying as high as Mother Earth allows and securing yourself in her comfort

Because indeed she can read your mind to share your deepest melodies and remove all your worries

In a way she's like a siren but doesn't trap you with sound and song

She uses peace and practically a hypnotic trance

And once she's got you to herself, she'll free your mind when you need it most

Releasing your weights & allowing you to emerge in your creativity

She takes control of your eyes, allowing you to admire your own beauty

Her curvaceous love is supportive, giving you that same no fucks given attitude

All from a single kiss & an inhale of her breath

Then settles you with an intense ass exhale

Giving you the same freedom her body has, free as hell, but she leaves a thirst for more

Because to no surprise to you was lowkey, most definitely addictive.

~From the Poet~

The equivalent to freshness is Ambiguity.