Part 7

Part 7

Group Work 1(5-20 Minutes)

Each group will be given a piece to watch, study reflect on that they will have to present to the floor when they finish:

(Select one or two from each group to present the detail to the full group)

In order to do this, they must:

What are the main messages of what you have studied?

What does it mean to you?

What have you learned?

What is new that you didn’t know beforehand?

What do you think others in the room should know and / or

Whatever else comes to mind. (Remembering that there are no wrong answers).

In groups of 5 or 6 taking into account the above: the following must be examined:

(15 Minutes)

After each group presents open the floor for a moment or two to elicit impressions, comments, suggestions,

(Alternatively each exercise (or a selected few) can be shown to the entire group).

Continue to Part 8

Group 1

Are asked to look at: The President of Ireland as he marks the UN Day to Eradicate Poverty

Group 2

Are asked to look at: The Booklet that: Looks at the Joseph Wresinskis Address

(We can have this printed out for the group)
Wrenski Address.pdf

Group 3 & Group 4

To Look at End Poverty in All its; forms Everywhere:

Group 3 Pages 1 - 3

Group 4 Pages 4 - 6

(Split this production as there is too much in it for one group).

(We can have this printed out for the group)
Poverty Facts 2020.pdf

Group 5

Are asked to look at: The Video that: Looks at What are the Sustainable Development Goals

Group 6

Are asked to look at the Booklet as a whole: And what they notice about the participating organisations and what others in the group should know.
