Part 2

Part 2

Ice- Breaker (Standing Exercise 10 Minutes)

Leave No-One Behind

Alternative Ice Breaker

(Drop down for instructions)

Line up the Students in two rows facing against each other so that each person in one row has a corresponding other person facing them (and not their best friend!). These corresponding pairs are to break off and in 2 minutes are to discuss what similarities they share.

They are to avoid the obvious (in the same class, same age, same teacher… a little more searching please)

Back into the main space and from the floor we ask?

Shout up any of the more unusual similarities that have come up. (1 Minute)

(Important) Ask the students to use the student’s name of the participant e.g.

Joe and I play on the same team, read the same books, both have part time jobs, are only children

Back into two lines again to create new pairings but this time all are offered two minutes to discuss what makes them different from each other. (Again all must avoid the simpler things like physical differences eye colour etc…a little more searching please).

Back into the main space and from the floor we ask?

Shout up any of the more unusual differences that have come up. (1 Minute)

Before we move on…..

Question: Is there anything that this exercise has shown us? (1 Minute)

Have we learned anything that we didn’t know?

Do we think a little differently about another?

(None of these questions need to be answered, they are just to provoke though but should anyone answer then fantastic).

(We are not writing any of these responses down, we are just actively listening)

Continue on to Part 3