Vision Boards

In the past year I have experimented with having my students set goals for themselves by using Vision Boards, an idea that I got from Kasey Bell, the Author of Shake Up Learning. Here are two of the examples of Slidedecks that I created to give the students a place to create their vision boards.

2020 Vision Board Forensics

Forensics Vision Boards

Students consider the types of things they want to accomplish by the end of the course and set classroom and personal goals.

Astro Sky Obs Goals

Astronomy Vision Boards

Students consider which constellations that they want to be able to identify by shape, location, date and time.

Other ways to set learning goals with students

Also, with a little inspiration from Kasey Bell's Google Certification classes, I was exposed to the idea of students tracking their learning with a Capacity matrix. Here are two examples of capacity matrices I made with Google Sheets for my Forensic students to track that learning.

Student Ex Forensics Unit 1 Capacity Matrix
Forensics Fingerprinting Capacity Matrix

Keep checking back for more resources. I'll update the page as I develop them.