Instant Formative Assessment

Replication Transcription & Translation

An upgrade on a traditional assignment

Every Biology teacher finds themselves teaching these 3 concepts every year. This year with more students learning from home online, I needed a way to make the assignment digital, and a way to give students the feedback they needed even if I wasn't able to be there when they were working through each problem. Enter Google Sheets and the magic of conditional formatting.

I analyzed an old worksheet for its flaws. It was definitely in need of a serious upgrade for a variety of reasons. The directions were confusing, the skills were all jumbled together, and students didn't know if they were doing it wrong until it was too late.

I created a Google sheet that had 5 different sheet tabs, each asking the student to practice a different skill. After adding the directions and questions I set the answer column to self-correct. Using Conditional formatting I created a column of cells that would turn green if the student was doing the skill correctly, and turn red if the student was doing it incorrectly.

DNA & RNA Processes (1)

It was great to be able to walk around and see which students needed help just by checking the colors that were showing up on their screens. You can see a GIF of some of the features of the sheet below. The students all said that they liked that they knew they were doing the assignment correctly and could immediately go back and check their work if they were doing it wrong. Loved the positive feedback from the students about the usefulness of the Sheet. If you would like a copy of the template to use in your class, click the link here.

Interactive Punnett Squares

Punnett Squares Google Sheets Style

If you are looking for a way to upgrade your Punnett Square activities and make them interactive, look no further. This Google sheet assessment will allow your students to visualize the phenotypes of the organisms. As the students are entering their calculations of the probabilities of the organisms phenotypes and genotypes, they'll get immediate feedback as well. This Google Sheet has four sheet tabs allowing for a variety of Punnett square calculations all within 1 document.

Punnett Square - Monohybrid, Inc Dom, & Mult Allele

Again I was able to walk around and see which students needed help just by checking the colors that were showing up on their screens. You can see a GIF of some of the features of the sheet below. The students reported a positive experience with the assignment and were glad for the immediate feedback. I was happy to know that I was able to support the online students just as if I was there with them. If you would like a copy of the template to use in your class, click the link here.