
The Orders of the Obsidian Circle

Every Alchemist has an innate affinity to one of the four classes of alchemical elements. As you to study and cultivate your understanding of this mystical science, you will need to discover your elemental attenuation. The alchemists of the Obsidian Circle have created an Order Recruitment Circle to sort new apprentices into the Orders. Go here to find out which element you are most attuned to.

Order Recruitment Circle: Hello alchemist, your elemental attenuation is being determined. Please sit still during this process. Your potential is being analyzed to determine which of the 4 pillars of alchemy you are most attuned to. You have been assigned to the Order _______.


The alchemists of Order Aqua channel the fluid energy of the Liquid Elements: Water, Wind, Blood, and Poison.


The alchemists of Order Ignus harness the raw power of the Primal Elements: Fire, Lightning, Light, and Shadow.


The alchemists of Order Lapis dominate the unyielding power of the Solid Elements: Stone, Metal, Ice, and Wood.


The alchemists of Order Sonus resonate with the vibrant power of the Energy Elements: Sound, Gravity, Magnetism, and Void.

Community Events

King Arthur's Quest

The Quest for the Excaliber!

A new and mysterious young woman appeared in the Wild, followed by the Lady of the Lake, Nimue. During the Arthur event, the crafty and elusive Nimue had to be captured and tamed by patient and determined hunters. Then alchemists were tasked with "pulling the sword from the stone" to begin the quest.

Valuable clues were provided by the Arthur Ritual Book:

Ritual Book - King Arthur:

Will you seek the sword?

Wielded by the one true king.

It lies in the stone.

By the King is pulled.

By the Princess, it's reforged.

In Avalon Mist.

Seek out the key there.

Bind it with Mythril and Gold.

Gain pass to the forge.

Restored by Merlin.

Carried there by the Princess.

Ravished by Morgan.

Bearing Caliburn.

The Lady Nimue swims.

In the lake she hunts.

Then Gain you the power.

Restored the sword of the king.

Now and Forever.

A pair of disreputable looking characters, Balthazar and Bartholomew, appeared for the first time. Balthazar is a highly skilled hunter who can provide help in the Wilds. He can be hired to clear the Wilds and/or provide a Lure to attract valuable prey to the Wilds. If one decides to purchase the Lure, it is recommended that one immediately orders a clearing of the Wild in order to get the best results. Clearing the Wild must be performed on each sim, but the Lure will be in effect for ten minutes across the grid.

The Quest introduced the Sword of the King, Caliburn, Excaliber, the Sword of Merlin, and the Enchantress Blade.

Curse of the Mummy

The Curse of the Mummy event was part of the 6th Anniversary of the Obsidian Chimeras. The curse began with the release of the Nile Guardian LE. The Obsidian Orders began a competition to tame the strangely mummified animals that appeared in the wild. Next, giant scarabs infested the event field in the Obsidian Valley and the Orders unleashed their chimeras upon the scourge and eradicated the blight. Finally, the Orders were called upon to make offerings alchemy ingredients the angry mummy and they were finally able to appease the mummy and send it back to a restful state.

The Curse of the Mummy introduced Scarab hunting; Tranquility materia; the Crook, Flail, and Ankh collar accessories, and the Sharkpedo.

Nature Versus Necromancer

Calling all Alchemists, we have a new problem! 

We have noticed there is something causing the wild animals to lose themselves and become hollow. The Circle has determined that a new enemy has shown its hand. We have discovered an organization of Necromancers that have begun using some form of destructive alchemy to harm nature itself.

We are researching as quickly as we can to try and combat this evil.

Alongside these hollow chimeras, we have discovered strange plants growing in ritual circles of some kind that respond to alchemy. The rituals require differing numbers of alchemists to perform. It seems to somehow be related to the color of the flower growing in the circle. When the flower is completely grown, it attracts chimeras to it, which then harvest berries from the plants. We are not sure what these berries are for, but we have never seen anything like this. 

All Order Alchemists are being asked to gather as much of these berries as we can to determine if they have any use to us. We will be tracking your progress and rewarding the alchemists who prove most dedicated.

The Berry growing plots are appearing on the Event Field at the Obsidian Circle, and in dedicated regions where the wild chimeras are gathering.

We have also noticed strange Poltergeist and Ecto Wraith Chimeras in the wild. They seem to be able to be captured with Dominion Materia.

We have discovered a new materia formulation we are calling Encasement Materia. This materia is allowing us to Encase the hollow chimeras we are seeing in the wild in hopes that we can preserve them. Soon we hope to have some idea what caused them to appear all over the wilds and also gain some insight into how we can help cleanse them.

For now, all we can do is try to gather as many encased hollow samples as possible with hope that we can prevail! You will need the new Chimera Control HUD 3.0 rev. 2 in order to use the Encasement Materia. Once a chimera has been encased it will be inside the materia, and the materia will change to an Encased Chimera.

Be sure you pick it up after catching it. These captured Hollows will be needed. We have been contacted by a strange group of alchemists we have never seen before. They are apparently from a different sect of alchemy more ancient than that or the Obsidian Order.

The Druids practice a different discipline of alchemy that is much more rooted in nature. We have been learning from these Druids and have been told their ancient story. They have been in constant conflict with a sect of fallen druids, The Necromancers. These Necromancers use alchemy to twist the natural order and create perverse monsters for their own self advancement. They have no love or care for the natural order.

The Druids have allowed us access to their cleansing site where we can bring the hollow chimeras we have encased. The hollow chimeras are a result of the evil power of the Necromancers. With the druids help, we can remove this hollowed state and bring the chimeras back to normal.

It seems that the necromancer rituals involved a Hollow Bone imbedded into the chimeras. When the chimeras are cleansed, the hollow bones are left behind. Be sure you hold on to them for further study. We may find a clue to how the hollofication process works and remove it from our wilds all together.

Be vigilant alchemists. There is no challenge we cannot overcome as long as we work together. In order to use the cleansing site, you must drop your encased chimera on the circle altar and touch it. Then just observe the ritual until you receive the hollow bone.

The Druid we spoke with has given us access to some of their alchemy. We are now able to use the special talents of each of our orders to craft. A sealing rune for a chimera to wear. These runes are able to combat the evil necromancer alchemy. 

The recipe tablets for these can be found in your Order Enclave.

The Necromancer Nightmare

Join the Obsidian Order as we save the Dreamtime from the machinations of the evil necromancers.

Necromancers have overrun the outback and taken control of the fabled Dreamtime!

It is up to you, Alchemists!

Can you help the koala tribe drive the evil necro-energy from their lands?

The Koala Scout sits at the Obsidian Valley waiting for your answer!

This quest will require a great deal of focus, a chimera to help you, and a sturdy will!

Information about the quest goals have been posted to the event page,

along with links to score rankings and video explanations of some aspects.

Get out there and uncover the mystery of how the Necromancers have poisoned

the land. Discover the means to stop them using ancient totem powers.

Bring the evil necro-energy machine to the ground!!!