Atelier Sanctum

Atelier Sanctum

Visit the Sanctum above the Obsidian Valley.

The Atelier Sanctum recipe book.

The Sanctum is where the recipe tablets and alchemy tables are located. The institute highly recommends that apprentice alchemists invest in the third party [VMD] Chimera Sorter for its many useful tools.

Warning: Before sitting at the Alchemy Table, please ensure that you have all the ingredients required for the recipe and that you have the correct recipe tablet. Once you are seated at the table, you cannot stand up until the alchemy recipe is completed.  Once you have begun the process you cannot switch tables or teleport away without losing your ingredients.

It is very important to pay attention to local chat. The table will tell you what it counted on the table. If the alchemy misfires, it is usually because something is missing from the recipe. Carefully read what the table reports.

Using the Alchemy Tables

Condensing Table

The condensing table will take five of the same ingredients and condense them into one new ingredient. (Ex: five blood vials become one blood bag).  Simply sit at the wooden table, rezz your ingredients and click the table. Select the ingredient you are condensing from the pop-up menu and the table will deliver the newly condensed ingredient to your inventory.

Refining Table

The refining table will take ten of the same ingredients and condense them into one new ingredient. (Ex: ten blood vials become one blood cask).  Simply sit at the stone table, rezz your ingredients and click the table. Select the ingredient you are condensing from the pop-up menu and the table will deliver the newly condensed ingredient to your inventory.

Use the VMD Box Up function or the Drop 'N Go to simplify the process.