H.A.E After School Program: Nurturing Minds and Talents

(H.A.E) After School Program 

After School Program Director: Mrs. Victoria Henderson

Assistant Director: Mrs. Rema Taylor

After School Program Specialist: Ms. Molly Clark

After School Program Specialist: Mrs. Kerry Banez 

Welcome to the Heritage Academy Elementary (H.A.E) After School Program—an enriching extension of our commitment to holistic education! Our program is designed to provide a supportive and dynamic environment for students to thrive academically, physically, and creatively.

At H.A.E, we believe that learning extends beyond the classroom, and our After School Program is designed to inspire, support, and empower every student. Join us on this exciting journey of growth, discovery, and fun!

Program Components:

Program Schedule:

Enrollment Details:

Benefits of the H.A.E After School Program: