Heritage Acadamey Middle School 

We would like to welcome H.A Middle School Family ! Please check frequently to stay updated for news, events and more.

Heritage Academy Middle

Learning Environment

Students are guided to challenge themselves, ask compelling questions, seek creative ways to understand new concepts, and encouraged to become more confident, independent learners. Our students embark on a path towards a meaningful Jewish life as we prepare them for academic success

General Studies

Our broad curriculum in English, Math, Science and Social Studies engages the full potential in our students as they continue to develop their skills. Students are encouraged to apply their learning and address real world issues (tikun olam) through collaborative projects and presentations.

Judaic Studies

Dynamic teachers lead our students to explore the richness of sacred texts in Talmud, Chumash and Navi. Students delve into the major themes, learn the skills necessary for independent text study, and grow to value lifelong Torah learning as a foundational element of Jewish life.