Dear Heritage Academy Community,

I am delighted to address you as Superintendent Duarte, a proud educator with over 20 years of teaching experience and 8 years in educational administration. It is an honor to lead such a vibrant and dedicated community of students, parents, and educators.

As we embark on a new academic year, I am filled with enthusiasm for the possibilities that lie ahead. Our rich legacy of academic excellence and community engagement is a testament to the collective efforts of all involved. Together, we will continue to foster an environment where learning thrives, innovation flourishes, and every student finds their path to success.

My journey in education has been guided by a deep commitment to providing quality learning experiences that prepare students for the challenges and opportunities of the future. I bring to this role a wealth of experience and a passion for cultivating a culture of lifelong learning.

I am here to serve and support each member of the Heritage Academy family. Let us collaborate, learn, and grow together as we navigate this academic year. I am confident that, with our shared dedication, we will achieve new heights and create lasting positive impact in the lives of our students.

Thank you for entrusting me with the privilege of leading Heritage Academy School District. Here's to a year of inspiration, achievement, and success!

Warm regards,

Superintendent Duarte, Heritage Academy School District