
These publications were selected as evidence of my writing skills and my knowledge about portfolios that support assessment for learning. I chose examples of my publications from the early 1990s through 2009. I can definitely see a change in my thinking about portfolios, from learning about e-portfolio tools, to learning about assessment for learning. The most recent articles reflect a real change in my thinking, profoundly impacted by the changes in technology between the early 90s and 2006 (pre-Internet through Web 2.0) as well as a greater awareness, through my reading and research, of the impact of portfolios and reflection on assessment for learning.

Journal Publications

Online Personal Learning Environments: Structuring Electronic Portfolios for Lifelong and Life Wide Learning (On the Horizon  | Vol. 17 No. 2, 2009, pp. 142-152, © Emerald Group Publishing Limited, ISSN 1074-8121)

This paper was published in a futurist journal, where I looked at the future of ePortfolios as a lifelong, life wide process.

Article for IRA JAAL Researching Electronic Portfolios and Learner Engagement: The REFLECT Initiative  - RELINK

Accepted for March 2007 Electronic Portfolio issue of the Journal of Adolescent and Adult Literacy (JAAL-International Reading Association). This paper is an update of the White Paper (below) that was written at the beginning of the REFLECT Initiative. This updated paper discusses some of the findings from the first year site visits.

White Paper: Researching Electronic Portfolios and Learner Engagement - RELINK

This 2005 paper was written for TaskStream to cover the literature for the REFLECT Initiative, a research project on implementing electronic portfolios in secondary schools. 


Roundtable Paper discussed at American Educational Research Association Conference (April 9, 2006). This paper presents the REFLECT Research Data Collection Plan, and options for questionnaire items to be included in the second round of data collection (for Spring 2006).

Connected Newsletter article - RELINK

Using Electronic Portfolios for Formative/Classroom-based Assessment. October 2006, Connected Newsletter (Classroom Connect), Volume 13, No.2, pp. 4-6. This paper was a re-write and update of the REFLECT Brief published in early 2005 as part of the RFP.

Create Your Own Electronic Portfolio - RELINK

The latest article that I published in Learning & Leading with Technology, April 2000, focused on "Using Off-the-Shelf Software to Showcase Your Own or Student Work." In this article, I moved from commercial software to the use of common desktop software tools.

Technology-Supported Portfolio Assessment - RELINK

This was my first publication on Electronic Portfolios, published in The Computing Teacher, March, 1994. Reprinted in Student Portfolios: A Collection of Articles edited by Robin Fogarty (1996). Palatine, Illinois: IRI/Skylight Training & Publishing, Inc., pp. 127-137.

Online Publications

Blurring the Boundaries: Social Networking & ePortfolio Development. TEDxASB (India) February 25, 2010. (19 minutes) Video posted to YouTube (above) - Article posted to MacLearning, September 2011.

Attached below as Interactive_Portfolios.pdf

Is the Future of ePortfolio Development in Your Pocket? (2011, MacLearning)

In this online publication, I outline the options for using mobile tools (feature phones, smart phones, tablets) to create and maintain electronic portfolios.

Attached below as mPortfoliosarticle.pdf

Balancing the Two Faces of ePortfolios - RELINK

In this paper, which is the foundation of the keynote addresses that I am making, I review the two "faces" of ePortfolios: the "portfolio as workspace" which is more of a formative conversation about learning (with feedback for improvement); and the "portfolio as showcase" of achievements, often used for summative assessment, accountability or marketing/employment.  I also explore how to balance both approaches for improved student learning and engagement while meeting institutional accountability requirements.  Published in two versions: in a journal in Portugal (2010) and by the British Columbia Ministry of Education (2011) (PDF pp.291-307). Video below covers the content of these papers (presentation at Kapi'olani Community College, Honolulu, January 6, 2010).