Digital Storytelling

The QuickTime movies below provide examples of digital stories that I have created over the last three years. I attended the Center for Digital Storytelling workshop in January 2003, and have been exploring the practice since then. I have designed and delivered workshops to help Teacher Education students and faculty to develop digital stories as reflective artifacts in their electronic portfolios.


Purpose of Digital Stories in ePortfolios - RELINK

This paper was developed for the Digital Storytelling Gathering (August 2006), and provides examples of digital stories created for several purposes. This paper provides the foundation for numerous presentations on this topic at state and national conferences.

Family Portfolios and Digital Stories - RELINK

These documents contain portfolios developed with my granddaughter for her Kindergarten, First and Second Grade years. The digital stories for K & 1 are reflections on the year. The digital story for 2nd grade is her autobiography written as part of a school project. The "Dad" story is the project we created at the Center for Digital Storytelling. Below is a digital story about creating digital family stories, created at a Training of Trainers workshop sponsored by the Center for Digital Storytelling in 2005.

Digital Storytelling links

My web page on Digital Storytelling - RELINK

My Google Site on Digital Storytelling - RELINK

Digital Storytelling Tools - RELINK

The video below is one of my first digital stories.