Electronic Portfolios

This is my collection of links are selected to demonstrate specific competencies in portfolio development knowledge and skills. I have been researching, presenting and writing about electronic portfolios since 1991. This collection shows the growth in my thinking about electronic portfolio development between 1991 and 2011.


My Website on Electronic Portfolios


This is my web site on electronic portfolios in education. I started working on this website in 1995, on the server that I set up for the University of Alaska Anchorage School of Education. I bought my own domain names in 2000, and have been updating it ever since. You might say that this web site contains the archive of my professional work in electronic portfolio development since my research started in 1991. I actually have two URLs that point to this same page: http://electronicportfolios.com / http://electronicportfolios.org

In 2023, I decided to stop using a commercial hosting site, and am in the process of adapting the website to the Google platform, using new Google Sites and Google Domains.

My 'Blogger' blog


I started to experiment with blogs in the spring of 2004. Within a couple of months, this blog was highlighted on several lists of recommended educational blogs. I have enjoyed writing in this blog, to use it as a way to explore my own thoughts and reflections on my experiences. As a result of writing in this blog, I am experimenting with other tools, as well, to see how various blogging software would work to construct e-portfolios.

Reflection for Learning


This Google Site provides a lot of resources on reflection, and is referenced by a variety of educational institutions.

Assessment for Learning


This Google Site provides resources on Assessment for Learning in ePortfolios, including examples of Rubrics to evaluation ePortfolios.


The video above was recorded at the UW Bothell in April 2011

The video below is a presentation made for the NIACE conference in 2007 (27 minutes). The content is a little dated, but wherever I talk about "Google Pages" think "Google Sites"!

My Online Portfolio Adventure

http://electronicportfolios.org/myportfolio/versions.html - RELINK

I started a study in the fall of 2004 that looked at the different online e-portfolio tools available. This document covers the all of the tools that I created (this one is #34), and wrote a reflection on each tool immediately upon the completion of the portfolio. I learned a lot about the many tools available, and was most recently able to put together a web page on the Categories of ePortfolio Tools. I also defined the difference between a Working Portfolio (portfolio as process/workspace) and a Presentation portfolio (portfolio as product/showcase), which is further described in my study of Web 2.0-based online storage spaces. Since I started this study in 2004, to where I am today (2012), I have seen so much change happen in the software and web-based environments, and my own change in thinking since the first sample portfolio eight years ago. I am excited to see the changes still to come!