
Author Registration 

Each accepted paper  (FULL or POSTER) MUST have at least one author with a regular registration for the manuscript to be included and published in the ACM International Conference Proceedings Series (ICPS) that will appear in the ACM digital library.  Authors must also present their paper(s) at the HEART2024 symposium. After the author's registration, we will secure one seat (in-person) and provide an online access right (online).

Below are the registration types and fees. All prices are in Euro (EUR).

Registration form

Please click here to jump to the HEART2024 registration form.

Registration FEEs

(*) To qualify for Student Type registration, a copy of the student identification card or an equivalent declaration signed by the institution must be provided with the registration form. No exceptions.

Conference registration fees include admission to all sessions, coffee breaks, lunches, and the Thursday social event (including the evening banquet).

Important note for authors: for an accepted paper to be presented and, following the presentation, to be included in the ACM ICPS proceedings, at least one author must be registered. Each paper must be covered by a Full Registration Fee. Each full registration fee can cover only 1 paper. Note that the Student Registration Fee does not cover paper publication.

Cancellations and Refunds:

No refunds are granted for “no-shows”. Registrants who cancel their registration for any reason (including the denial of a travel visa due to delays or other issues) will receive a partial refund according to the following schedule: