Massage Edmonton

The first appointment with any chiropractor is an overall health, wellness and history check. Your Edmonton chiropractic doctor may request previous health information like; having been in a car accident or suffered any falls? Do you have pain now or have you ever had pain in the past? Do you have numbness or tingling or any other health conditions? An x-ray or scan may also be taken to get an actual visual of the spine and its condition. A treatment plan is then created to address any findings. Treatment plans differ depending on your body’s needs. Typically your chiropractic Dr. will perform manual adjustments and also teach his/her clients stretches that can be done to help the body respond to the adjustment. He/she may also recommend booking a massage appointment. Massages are not a replacement for the adjustment, but they do assist the body in loosening up to allow for a better adjustment.

The main form of treatment chiropractors deliver is called an adjustment – a non-invasive procedure consisting of a precise directed movement to help relieve pain and discomfort, and restore range of motion. Sometimes chiropractors will also use other therapies like massage, heat, laser and ultrasound.