Chiropractor West Side

Chiropractic adjustments have been used to treat illness and pain since 1895 when Daniel David Palmer adjusted his first patient. Chiropractic is the direct treatment for misalignments of the spine called adjustments. When a spinal bone is misaligned, not only can a person experience pain, but the entire functioning of all parts of the body can be reduced. The brain’s only way to get signals to all parts of the body is through the spinal cord. When misalignments of the vertebrae occur, the signals from the brain are reduced as pressure is applied to the spinal cord. Be assured, the brain’s signals can still get through, but not as efficiently. This creates misalignment within the body. Chiropractic care moves vertebrae back into place via manual adjustment methods. This allows for free signal movement throughout the spine resulting in full communication from the brain to all parts of the body.

Our west Edmonton chiropractors have additional training in treating sports injuries including concussions, pregnancy and pediatrics, temporomandibular joint ( TMJ ) / jaw pain and/or dysfunction, and benign paroxysmal positional vertigo ( BPPV ).