GUEst Lecturer Assignment

Assignment - Octomadness efteling


This project really caught my attention as I have typically only experienced this type of work through animated movies. Never did I consider that as an interactive designer I might work on something like this. It was very interesting to see as well the different people and talents that this project brought together.

The goal of the installation was to modernize the traditional and iconic Zoetrope at the Efteling park but for this the project needed to be innovative playful and most importantly timeless. The project was managed by Vincent Lindeboom who has more than twenty years of experience in the field of product design and innovative interactive experiences.

The Octomadness is part of the Zoetrope installations, the reason I took interest in the project was due to the quality of the animations created. Also, it was very interesting to learn about the process and the applications of 3D design to create depth and liveliness in the project.

How it works:

StrobeScope is used to fluctuate the lighting to give it a movie effect

Rotatory table

3D printed objects are placed in the installation

Use of Arduino or a higher central processing unit to achieve the smoothness

Add lights and speakers for the ambience

The most interesting in this project in connection to HCI is how they have been able to merge traditional craftmanship with innovative tools and materials such as 3D printers and green screens. I have spent the better part of last year learning about digital fabrication. This project was so varied and applied so much innovation that it is for sure is worth learning more about. It even inspired me to take the summer course 3D digital design. And so I did take the summer course, and I even gave one myself! The course I gave was to children aged eight to ten and I assisted them in making a short animation movie using the first technique applied in the Zoetrope which was moulding with Clay, please have a look at the final result.


The project that really spoke to me due to its originality was the Artis Sleepwalk but from the lecture, it wasn't shared much on how it was created. I think I figured out how they did it, by using geo-markers. By scanning the map of a location it is possible to create markings positions(coordinates) that can be added to the AR design, this helps to design in scale in connection to the location of the activity.