出版物 (Publications)


44. Yusuke Yamana*, Hayato Tanaka, Isao Hirabayashi, Ichinosuke Dan, Atsushi Hirai, Akito Ogawa (2022)

Three New Infaunal Species of Taeniogyrus (Echinodermata: Holothuroidea: Apodida: Chiridotidae: Taeniogyrinae) from Southern Coast of Wakayama, Japan.

Species Diversity

43.  Mizuho Munakata*, Hayato Tanaka, Keiichi Kakui   (2022

Taxonomy and natural history of Cavernocypris hokkaiensis sp. nov., the first ostracod reported from alpine streams in Japan.

Zoosystematics and Evolution, 98(1): 117127. https://doi.org/10.3897/zse.98.80442

42. Hayato Tanaka*, Hyunsu Yoo, Huyen Thi Minh Pham, Ivana Karanovic   (2021) 

Two new xylophile cytheroid ostracods (Crustacea) from Kuril-Kamchatka Trench, with remarks on the systematics and phylogeny of the family Keysercytheridae, Limnocytheridae, and Paradoxostomatidae.

Arthropod Systematics and Phylogeny, 79. e62282. https://arthropod-systematics.arphahub.com/article/62282/

千島海溝の水深約5100 mの深海底から回収された沈木から多数の貝形虫類を発見し,2種を新種として記載した.このうち1種は沈木に生息するキクイムシ類(等脚類)から得られた.近縁種や生息状況から,本種の祖先はキクイムシ類に共生していたがために,宿主とともに水深5000 mを超える深海底にたどり着いたと推測した.動物において,木材依存の宿主とともに共生性種が深海底に進出したことを示す報告はこれまでになく,本論文は,海洋生物の極限環境への進出プロセスに対して一つのヒントを与えるものである.

41. Keiichi Kakui*, Mizuho Munakata, Hayato Tanaka, Chizue Hiruta   (2021) 

Mismatch between similarity of mitochondrial gene order and phylogenetic distance in Podocopa (Crustacea: Ostracoda).

Zoologischer Anzeiger, 293: 145148. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jcz.2021.05.011

40. Mizuho Munakata*, Hayato Tanaka, Keiichi Kakui   (2021) 

Heterocypris spadix sp. nov. (Crustacea: Ostracoda: Cypridoidea) from Japan, with Information on Its Reproductive Mode.

Zoological Science, 38(3): 287296. https://doi.org/10.2108/zs200127

39. Yusuke Kondo*, Yasuko Suzuki, Susumu Ohtsuka, Hiroshi Nagai, Hayato Tanaka, Khwanruan Srinui, Hiroshi Miyake, Jun Nishikawa   (2020) 

Differences in the cnidomes and toxicities of the  oral arms of two commercially harvested rhizostome jellyfish species in Thailand.

Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, 100(5): 537558. https://doi.org/10.1017/S002531542000065X

38. Hayato Tanaka*, Fumiaki Sodeyama and Hisanori Kohtsuka (2020)

A new species of ostracod (Crustacea) associated with a feather star: first report of Ostracoda from Crinoidea.

Zoological Science, 37(5): 496503. https://doi.org/10.2108/zs200032

37. JM Alfaro-Lucas*, F Pradillon, D Zeppilli, LN Michel, P Martinez-Arbizu, H Tanaka, M Foviaux, J Sarrazin   (2020) 

High environmental stress and productivity increase functional diversity along a deep-sea hydrothermal vent gradient.

Ecology, 101(11): e03144. https://doi.org/10.1002/ecy.3144

36. Hiroshi Yamasaki* , Shinta Fujimoto and Hayato Tanaka  (2020) 

Three new meiobenthic species from a submarine cave in Japan: Echinoderes gama, E. kajiharai, and E. uozumii (Cyclorhagida: Kinorhyncha)

Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, 100(4): 537558.  https://doi.org/10.1017/S0025315420000429

35. Huyen Thi Minh Pham, Hayato Tanaka and  Ivana Karanovic* (2020) 

Molecular and morphological diversity of Heterodesmus Brady and its phylogenetic position within Cypridinidae (Ostracoda).

Zoological Science 37(3):1-15.  https://doi.org/10.2108/zs190118

34. Hayato Tanaka* , Yusuke Kondo and  Susumu Ohtsuka (2020) 

Pontopolycope orientalis sp. nov. (Crustacea: Ostracoda: Polycopidae), the first report of a living species of the genus from the Indo-Pacific Region.

Zoological Studies 59:13. doi:10.6620/ZS.2020.59-13

33. Hayato Tanaka* and  Susumu Ohtsuka (2019) 

Two new species of Microloxoconcha (Crustacea: Ostracoda) from sublittoral zone in western Japan.

  Species Diversity, 24(2): 217–228. PDF OPEN ACCESS

32. Hyunsu Yoo,  Hayato Tanaka,  Akira Tsukagoshi, Wonchoel Lee, and Ivana Karanovic* (2019)

Cytheroid ostracods (Crustacea) from South Korea, with description of a new species.

Zoosystema, 41: 419–441.

31. Simone Nunes Brandão*, Mario Hoppema, Gennady Kamenev, Ivana Karanovic, Torben Riehl,  Hayato Tanaka,  Helenice Vital, Hyunsu Yoo and Angelika Brandt (2019) 

Review of Ostracoda (Crustacea) living below the Carbonate Compensation Depth and the deepest record of a calcified ostracod.

Progress in Oceanography 178: 102144. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.pocean.2019.102144

30. Hayato Tanaka*,  Yann Lelièvre and Moriaki Yasuhara (2019) 

Xylocythere sarrazinae, a new cytherurid ostracod (Crustacea) from a hydrothermal vent field on the Juan de Fuca Ridge, northeast Pacific Ocean, and its phylogenetic position within Cytheroidea.

Marine Biodiversity 46: 2571–2586.  https://doi.org/10.1007/s12526-019-00987-3

北東太平洋のファンデフカ海嶺の熱水噴出孔から得られた貝形虫類をXylocythere sarrazinaeとして記載した.Xylocythere属は始新世後期から化石記録が知られているが,現生種の発見は北西太平洋初である.殻を走査型電子顕微鏡で詳しく観察したところ,ポアクラスターと呼ばれる窪みに小球が多数確認され,既往研究と照らし合わせそれらが共生細菌である可能性を議論した.また,18S rRNA遺伝子の塩基配列に基づいた分子系統解析を行ったところ,XylocythereEucytherurinae)は祖先的な分類群であるという化石記録と整合的な結果が得られた.

29. Hayato Tanaka* and  Ryota Hayashi (2019) 

Chelonocytherois omutai gen. et sp. nov. (Crustacea: Ostracoda) from the back of loggerhead sea turtle.

Zootaxa, 4624(4): 507–522. https://doi.org/10.11646/zootaxa.4624.4.4


28. Hyunsu Yoo,  Hayato Tanaka,  Wonchoel Lee, Simone Nunes Brandão, and Ivana Karanovic* (2019)

Six new Krithe from the Kuril-Kamchatka Trench, with the first insight into phylogeography of deep-sea ostracods.

Progress in Oceanography, 176: 102128. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.pocean.2019.102128

27. Susumu Ohtsuka*, Hayato Tanaka, Katsushi Hirano, Yusuke Kondo, Damia Jaume and Geoffrey A. Boxshall (2018) 

Some observations of morphology and behavior of a hyperbenthic misophrioid copepod.

Bulletin of the Southern California Academy of Sciences, 117(2): 127–137.

26. Hayato Tanaka*, Moriaki Yasuhara and James T. Carlton (2018) 

        Transoceanic transport of living marine Ostracoda (Crustacea) on tsunami debris from the 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake.

        Aquatic Invasions, 13(1): 125–135. PDF OPEN ACCESS


25. Moriaki Yasuhara*,  Kamila Sztybor, Tine L. Rasmussen, Hisayo Okahashi, Runa Sato and Hayato Tanaka (2018) 

Cold-seep ostracods from the western Svalbard margin: Direct palaeo-indicator for methane seepage?

Journal of Micropalaeontology 37, 139–148. https://www.j-micropalaeontol.net/37/139/2018/jm-37-139-2018-relations.html OPEN ACCESS 

24. Ivana Karanovic*, Hyunsu Yoo, Hayato Tanaka and Akira Tsukagoshi (2017) 

One new species and three records of cytheroid ostracods (Crustacea, Ostracoda) from Korea.

Journal of Species Research 6: 38–50.

23. Yusuke Yamana* and Hayato Tanaka (2017) 

A new species of Chiridota (Echinodermata: Holothuroidea: Apodida: Chiridotidae) from Japan, and first record of C. rigida from Japan.

Zootaxa, 4341(2): 243–257.

22. Yusuke Yamana*, Hayato Tanaka and Shu Nakachi (2017) 

Three new shallow species of Taeniogyrus and Rowedota (Echinodermata: Holothuroidea: Apodida: Chiridotidae: Taeniogyrinae) from southern Japan.

Species Diversity, 22: 53–68.  https://www.jstage.jst.go.jp/article/specdiv/22/1/22_220110/_article  OPEN ACCESS

21. Yusuke Yamana* and Hayato Tanaka (2017) 

Two new species of Taeniogyrus and Scoliorhapis (Echinodermata: Holothuroidea: Apodida: Chiridotidae: Taeniogyrinae) from Wakayama and Okinawa, Japan.

Plankton and Benthos Research, 12(2): 83–94.  https://www.jstage.jst.go.jp/article/pbr/12/2/12_B120201/_article  OPEN ACCESS

20. Hayato Tanaka* and Mikihito Arai (2017) 

A new commensal ostracod Asterositus ohtsukai n. g., n. sp. (Paradoxostomatidae) on the sea star Sclerasterias euplecta (Fisher) (Asteriidae) and its feeding habits.

Systematic Parasitology, 94:263–274. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11230-016-9690-4

19. Susumu Ohtsuka*, Hayato Tanaka and Geoffrey A. Boxshall (2016) 

 A new species of the hyperbenthic cyclopoid copepod Cyclopicina Lindberg, 1953 from Japan: first record of the genus in the Indo-Pacific region.

Zoological Science, 33(6): 659–666. http://www.bioone.org/doi/full/10.2108/zs160094

18. Hayato Tanaka* and Moriaki Yasuhara (2016)

A new deep-sea hydrothermal vent species of Ostracoda (Crustacea) from the western Pacific: Implications for adaptation, endemism, and dispersal of ostracodes in chemosynthetic systems.

Zoological Science, 33(5): 555–565. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.2108/zs160079

17. Ko Tomikawa*, Hayato Tanaka and Takafumi Nakano (2016)

A new species of the rare genus Priscomilitaris from the Seto Inland Sea, Japan (Crustacea, Amphipoda, Priscomilitaridae).

ZooKeys, 607: 25–35. doi: 10.3897/zookeys.607.9379  OPEN ACCESS

16. Dung Doan Le*, Akira Tsukagoshi and Hayato Tanaka (2016)

Ontogenetic changes of the maxillula in Loxoconcha (Crustacea, Ostracoda, Podocopida), with a description of a new species from the Okinawa Islands (Japan).

Zoologischer Anzeiger, 262: 43–56

15. Takeshi Hirabayashi*, Susumu Ohtsuka, Makoto Urata, Ko Tomikawa and Hayato Tanaka (2016) 

Molecular evidence on evolutionary switching from particle-feeding to sophisticated carnivory in the calanoid copepod family Heterorhabdidae: drastic and rapid changes in functions of homologues.

Journal of Natural History, 50: 1759–1772

14. Ivana Karanovic*, Hayato Tanaka and Akira Tsukagoshi (2016) 

Congruence between male upper lip morphology and molecular phylogeny in Parapolycope (Crustacea) with two new species from Korea.

Invertebrate Systematics, 30(3): 231–254 dx.doi.org/10.1071/IS15056

13. Hayato Tanaka*, Dung Doan Le, Ryouichi Higashi and Akira Tsukagoshi (2016)

A new interstitial ostracod species of the genus Paracobanocythere from Vietnam, with mitochondrial CO1 sequence data of three Asian species. 

ZooKeys, 559: 17–33. doi: 10.3897/zookeys.559.6751  OPEN ACCESS

12. Hayato Tanaka* and Susumu Ohtsuka (2016)

Historical biogeography of the genus Polycopissa (Ostracoda: Myodocopa: Cladocopina), with the description and DNA barcode of the second Indo-Pacific species from the Seto Inland Sea. 

Marine Biodiversity, 46(3): 625–640. DOI 10.1007/s12526-015-0412-y

11. Hayato Tanaka* and Akira Tsukagoshi (2014)

Intraspecific variation in male upper lip morphology of Parapolycope watanabei n. sp. (Crustacea: Ostracoda) and its implication on speciation. 

Zoological Science, 31: 758–765. doi:10.2108/zs140128

10. Hayato Tanaka*, Akira Tsukagoshi and Ivana Karanovic (2014)

Molecular phylogeny of interstitial Polycopidae ostracods (Crustacea) and descriptions of a new genus and four new species. 

Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 172: 282–317. DOI: 10.1111/zoj.12176

9. Shinnosuke Yamada* and Hayato Tanaka (2013)

 Two interstitial species of the genus Semicytherura (Crustacea: Ostracoda) from Japan with note on their microhabitats. 

Zootaxa, 3745 (4): 435–448. http://biotaxa.org/Zootaxa/article/view/zootaxa.3745.4.2

8. Ivana Karanovic* and Hayato Tanaka (2013) 

Ostracod genus Parapolycope (Crustacea): diversity, distribution, and phylogeny, with description of the first representative from Korea.

Zoologischer Anzeiger, 253: 21–35. DOI.org/10.1016/j.jcz.2013.08.002

7. Hayato Tanaka (2013) 

The mating behaviour of the seed shrimp Parapolycope spiralis (Ostracoda: Cladocopina), with an insight into the evolution of mating systems in cryptic interstitial habitats.

Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 109: 791–801. DOI:10.1111/bij.12080

パラポリコープ属の1種の亜成体雌雄を野外から採集し,実験室内で脱皮させることで得た未交尾の成体雌雄を用いて交配実験を行った.その結果,クラドコピーナ亜目の交尾行動の観察に初めて成功し,第一,二触角による雌個体の捕握行動の後,雄が上唇の先端部を雌の体後部に接触させることが観察された.一般に,小型化した動物は行動が単純化すると言われているが,本種は体長0.3 mmと非常に小型で有るにもかかわらず複雑で多段階に渡る交尾行動を示した.隠蔽的で三次元の迷路のような空間からなる砂中間隙環境において,上唇による接触のような物理的刺激がもっとも効果的な求愛行動であることを提唱した.

6. Hayato Tanaka* and Akira Tsukagoshi (2013) 

Description and scanning electron microscopic observation of a new species of the genus Polycopetta (Crustacea, Ostracoda, Cladocopina) from an interstitial habitat in Japan.

        ZooKeys, 294: 75–91. DOI: 10.3897/zookeys.294.4846  OPEN ACCESS

5. Hayato Tanaka* and Akira Tsukagoshi (2013) 

The taxonomic utility of the male upper lip morphology in the ostracod genus Parapolycope (Crustacea), with descriptions of two new species.

 Journal of Natural History, 47: 963–986. DOI:10.1080/00222933.2012.743615

有性生殖を行う現生の貝形虫類では,雄の交尾器の形態的特徴が種分類に重要な役割を果たす.本研究では,雄の交尾器が単純な射精管のみから成るという特徴を持つパラポリコープ属貝形虫について,2新種,すなわちParapolycope psittacinaP. uncataを記載するとともに,それらの種分類に有用な形質を検討した.この2新種の形態比較の結果から,背甲のサイズ,外形,表面装飾,そして雄の上唇が重要な形質であることが明らかとなった.特に,上唇の形態は性的二型を呈することから,交尾器と同様に生殖隔離と関わる機能を持つ可能性が示唆された.

4. Shinnosuke Yamada* and Hayato Tanaka (2011) 

First report of an interstitial Semicytherura (Crustacea: Ostracoda: Cytheruridae: Cytherurinae): a new species from central Japan.

Species Diversity, 16: 49–63. 

3. Hayato Tanaka*, Fumiya Arai and Akira Tsukagoshi (2011) 

The response to variable salinity and the colonization of rivermouth environments in the myodocopan species Parapolycope oligohalina (Cladocopina, Polycopidae) from the oligohaline interstitial environment.

Joannea - Geologie und Paläontologie, 11: 201–203.

2. Hayato Tanaka*, Akira Tsukagoshi and Shin-ichi Hiruta (2010) 

 A new combination for the genus Parapolycope (Ostracoda: Myodocopa: Cladocopina), with description of a new species from Japan.

Species Diversity, 15: 93–108. 

日本近海から発見されていたクラドコピーナ亜目貝形虫類はPolycope japonicaの一種のみであった.中部地方沿岸を中心とした野外調査によって,砂浜の間隙環境から新たにクラドコピーナ亜目に属するパラポリコープ属を発見し,Parapolycope digitolabrumとして新種提唱した.また,Polycope japonicaを約30年ぶりに発見した.その形態形質を精査した結果,上唇・第一触角・第二触角・大顎・小顎・雄交尾器の特徴から,パラポリコープ属に移すことが妥当であると判断し,新結合Parapolycope japonicaを提唱した.

1. Hayato Tanaka* and Akira Tsukagoshi (2010) 

Two new interstitial species of the genus Parapolycope (Crustacea: Ostracoda) from central Japan.

Zootaxa, 2500: 39–57. http://www.mapress.com/zootaxa/list/2010/2500.html 

静岡県沿岸の砂中間隙環境からパラポリコープ属の2新種を発見し,Parapolycope oligohalinaP. spiralisを記載した.これまでミオドコーパ亜綱に属する貝形虫類は汽水域には生息しないとされていたが,野外調査によって,P. oligohalina(ミオドコーパ亜綱)が一時的にほぼ淡水となる河口域に生息することを明らかにした.間隙環境は,降水や干出により塩濃度が著しく変化する.また間隙性動物の多くは非常に高い塩濃度耐性をもつことが知られている.以上より,海浜の間隙環境に生息し高い塩濃度耐性を持っていた祖先種が,二次的に低塩濃度の河口間隙環境へ進出した可能性を示唆した.


7.  大塚 攻*・田中隼人 (2020)


(Recent advances in taxonomy and phylogeny of “maxillopodan” crustaceans)

 タクサ 48:49–62.PDF OPEN ACCESS

6. 山崎博史*・藤本心太・田中隼人 (2019)


(Sampling and extraction methods for marine meiobenthos)

 タクサ,46:40–53.PDF OPEN ACCESS

5. 大塚攻*・西原直久・平山良太・田中隼人・近藤裕介・斉藤英俊・清水則雄・富川光・飯田健・米谷まり (2017)


(Occurrence of endangered Japanese horseshoe crab in Etajima and Takehara Cities of Hiroshima Prefecture, western Japan)

 日本ベントス学会誌,72(1):16–26.PDF OPEN ACCESS

4. 大塚攻*・田中隼人・近藤裕介・内海隼人・橋本周一郎・片岡聖・中口和光・山口修平・加藤幹雄・Dhugal Lindsay・砂原圭佐 (2016)

種子島沖合における親潮潜流の到達の可能性:北太平洋亜寒帯指標種Neocalanus cristatus(カイアシ類)の出現

(Possible westward extension of submerged Oyashio waters to off Tanegashima Island, Kyusu, western Japan: based on the occurrence of the subarctic copepod Neocalanus cristatus)

 生物圏科学,55 :25–30. PDF OPEN ACCESS

3. 近藤裕介*・岡田昇馬・橋本周一郎・齊藤充志・片岡聖・田中隼人・加藤幹雄・山口修平・中口和光・大塚攻 (2015)


(Estimation of density of the semaestome jellyfish Cyanea nozakii Kishinouye, 1891 in surface waters of Ariake Sea by a visual observation)

 広島大学総合博物館研究報告,7:21–26.PDF  OPEN ACCESS

2. 田中隼人*・近藤裕介・岡田昇馬・齊藤充志・橋本周一郎・大塚攻(2015)


(Interstitial ostracods in the shallow waters of the Seto Inland Sea, Japan: Possible application as environmental indicators)

広島大学大学院生物圏科学研究科附属瀬戸内圏フィールド科学教育研究センタ―報告,13:1–9. PDF

1. 田中隼人*・小鳥居 英・横澤 賢・若林楓芽・木本和代・佐野恵子(2015)


      (Taxonomy and distribution of freshwater ostracods (Crustacea) from southwest region of Mt. Fuji).タクサ,38:26–41. 


7. 木村妙子*・木村昭一・自見直人・倉持利明・藤田敏彦・駒井智幸・吉田隆太・田中隼人・岡西政典・小川晟人・小林格・小玉将史・齋藤礼弥・清野裕暉・片平浩孝・中野裕昭・吉川晟弘・上野大輔・田中正敦・大矢佑基・前川陽一・中村亨・奥村順哉・田中香月 (2019)


(Benthic deep-sea fauna in south of the Kii Strait and the Sea of Kumano, Japan)


6. 田中隼人(2018)

      貝形虫類(甲殻類)の分類・生態・進化:特に間隙性種に注目して .

     タクサ [第15回日本動物分類学会奨励賞受賞記念論文] ,45:16–27.

5. 石井照久*,佐藤絵里奈,田中隼人(2018)


          (The distribution and occurrence of freshwater ostracods including one newly reporting species from Lake Hachiro in Akita Prefecture  )

      Memoirs of the Faculty of Education and Human Studies Akita University (Natural Science), 73: 11-16.

4. 石井照久*,鈴木愛萌,田中隼人(2017)


          (First report of distribution and occurrence of freshwater Ostracoda from Lake Hachiro in Akita Prefecture)

      Memoirs of the Faculty of Education and Human Studies Akita University (Natural Science), 72: 1-7.

3. 田中隼人(2016)



2. Makoto Urata*, Hayato Tanaka and Susumu Ohtsuka (2015)

     Molecular identification of "Gum Gum": a food mole crab Hippa adactyla from Papua New Guinea.

      Bioshpere Science, 54:21–28.

1. 田中隼人 (2010) 




1. Simone N. Brandão*, Edelgard Baumann, Anna B. Jöst, Ivana Karanovic, Hayato Tanaka, Moriaki Yasuhara, Hyunsu Yoo, Hanieh Saeedi and Angelika Brandt (2021

 Biodiversity and Biogeography of Ostracoda (Crustacea) from the deep NW Pacific. H. Saeedi and A. Brandt (eds). In: Biogeographic Atlas of the Deep NW Pacific Fauna.  Pensoft, Sofia, 

 pp. 285338


3. 大塚攻*田中隼人(2021)

 カイアシ類の高次分類群の系統に関するコメント:Khodami et al. (2017) の分子系統に関する論文取り下げを受けて.

 タクサ 51:42–44.

2. 田中隼人*・塚越哲(2017)


 生物の科学 遺伝 71(4):339–346.

1. 田中隼人*・大塚攻(2015)


 広島大学総合博物館研究報告 7: 75–87. 

* corresponding author